The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic No 28336 | |
Clues | Answers |
A sign November is turning to December time | NOEL |
Bomb may not be if it has this | of use |
Briefly take old vessel back round a volcanic island | KRAKATOA |
Called before match not being broadcast | NEE |
Cuckoo with intention of feeding? | out to lunch |
Don cape before a dance, leading lady love | CABALLERO |
Filling in cheque, as you’ve not settled? | QUEASY |
Grant airworthiness certificate perhaps, and send out | let fly |
Inside out? Stick with solution | under lock and key |
Large amounts of alcohol __ old fine __ introduced to US domestic market | yards of ale |
Love last traces of jazz age ever so | ZERO |
Maybe poverty’s rise in the East End | ILL |
Maybe Swede’s boss informally embracing celebrity, mostly | GUSTAV |
Mountain republic’s more westerly one excavated for uranium | FUJI |
Old president in uniform following ceremony I perform | POMPIDOU |
Old version of my commercial __ as before | EGAD |
Pay for courses, with books in principle | FUNDAMENTAL |
Place to go after ascending, with endless special food? | VALHALLA |
Preserve item, often mechanical, a source of drama | QUINCE |
S American revolutionary: more than that, a university teacher | URUGUAYAN |
Sharing out reward, ultimately two pairs in contention? | DIVVYING |
Spectator originally keen on following race meets | runs into |
Spent, having nothing else to pay? | all-in |
The blessed Guardian’s not partisan, somehow! | patron saint |
Unusual label on jacket accompanying a cloak | DJELLABA |
What boy working with monk after hours produces? | HYMNBOOK |
Woman’s who’s fallen __ case of fuel leaking? | FLOOZY |
World body backed agreement to hold vote without it | UNSEXY |
Young creature dying after taking lion’s head for its tail! | YEARLING |
The Times - Cryptic - Times Quick Cryptic No 2173 | |
Clues | Answers |
Article, genuine, referring to locality | AREAL |
Big score in club tourney Ed put together | double century |
Bill of relatively small price, we hear, for picture | TABLEAU |
Divulge answer during party | REVEAL |
Expedition long way off is, on return, written about | SAFARI |
Female fighter, extremely capable | ALICE |
French castle talk __ by water there | CHATEAU |
Hated getting unusually dry inside __ happy to be this? | HYDRATED |
Honour leading pairs of actors, covering last decade | ACCOLADE |
Instruct set of coaches? | TRAIN |
Leader heard Republican missed out | HEAD |
Link with temperature that is popular | tie-in |
Lot put off by Arthurian Knight’s weapon | LANCE |
Maybe Jack’s way to send greetings | CARD |
Note politician yet to arrive, a pattern | TEMPLATE |
Prevent entry of mischievous Peke, newly released | keep out |
Recurring idea used in intro, perfect | TROPE |
Regularly daunt thin opponent | ANTI |
Separate role | PART |
Spice in container brought up by Margaret | NUTMEG |
Time with this writer coming back in transport for two | TANDEM |
Tricky cut once, playing this sport? | county cricket |
University moved fast, initially isolating unruly male element | URANIUM |
Vegetable, poor stuff, I hesitate to say | TATER |
Very enthusiastic as English tactics altered | ECSTATIC |
What’s left after burning at end of three months? | EMBER |
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