Irish Times (Simplex) - Dec 4 2021 Crossword Puzzle Solution

 Irish Times (Simplex) - Dec 4 2021 Crossword Answer

Actors who play principal rolesLEADS
An also-ranLOSER
Any number divisible by twoEVEN
Artist's workroomSTUDIO
Channel of communicationMEDIUM
Claims or proofs that evidence is falseREBUTTALS
Curve that bends round and crosses itselfLOOP
Denizens of St Petersburg, sayRUSSIANS
Diverted, entertainedAMUSED
Exceptional, one-offSINGULAR
Fruit or vegetable dishesSALADS
German submarines of WW11UBOATS
Give extra importance toEMPHASISE
Informal or nonchalantCASUAL
Informs with certainty and confidenceASSURES
Large flatfishTURBOT
Linear extentLENGTH
Make or become betterIMPROVE
Not in accordance with factUNTRUE
Organs of photosynthesisLEAVES
Performance by oneSOLO
Pinpoint the position ofLOCATE
Plantations of fruit treesORCHARDS
Sends by postMAILS
Small silvery fishSMELT
Small square tile used in mosaicsTESSERA
Spear of frozen waterICICLE
Spot of light on a radar screen, showing the position of an objectBLIP
Story from long agoLEGEND
The ability to read and writeLITERACY
They're fully grownADULTS
When one celestial body obscures anotherECLIPSE
Widespread decline in tradeRECESSION
Woman, girlFEMALE
Work out mathematicallyCALCULATE

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