The Telegraph - TOUGHIE - Oct 12 2021 Crossword Puzzle Solution

 The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 2,729 - Oct 12 2021 Crossword Answer

Bond following hit comedySLAPSTICK
Brothers over six feet? Too much to askTALLORDER
Certain island behind fraudCONCRETE
Collar uneven, by the sound of it?RUFF
Crossword writer's work backgroundSETTING
Don: boy biting cheekSLIPON
Drunk has arrived -- ha!SOTHERE
Endless cricket initially boring as tennis, surprisinglyINCESSANT
Firmly established capitals of Togo, Eritrea and Djibouti found on mapPLANTED
Fruit pots from ChinaSATSUMA
Jelly, equally stillASPIC
Listening to children, give upCEDE
Lower a rail so diverted underneath churchCHAROLAIS
Material on floor in prison I levered upLINO
Minister plugging domestic work recordDIRECTORY
Minute arachnidTICK
Natural reaction isn't unusual in case of catINSTINCT
Noticeable beatingSTRIKING
OK taking touch before heavy weight liftedNOTBAD
Party nominators toyed with desperate choice (3,4,2,1,5)ANYPORTINASTORM
Perfect, best boy behind you, finallyUTOPIAN
Pester hearty on tour of shipHASSLE
Rank deal: more cut offEARLDOM
Red mullet's tail by itself, cookedLEFTIST
Rounding first of defenders, briefly follow wingerGODWIT
Salute, installing leader of government in nautical postTOPMAST
Standard features with military badgeSTARSANDSTRIPES
The same ludicrous papers sent overDITTO
Therefore, one in airport has found way outSOLUTION
Very rare comicPRICELESS

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