Wall Street Journal - Sep 4 2021 - "Labor Pains" Crossword Answer
Clues | Answers |
"Cheap Imitation" composer | JOHNCAGE |
"Slainte!" is one | IRISHTOAST |
"Tomb Raider" relic | URN |
"Water Under the Bridge" singer | ADELE |
1999 JT Money hit "Who ___" | DAT |
Advanced with stealth | CREPT |
Alpha ___ Minoris (Polaris) | URSAE |
Ankle shackle | LEGIRON |
Annual report VIP | CEO |
Approving exclamation, in texts | RAWR |
Arboreal ape | ORANG |
Argentine aunts | TIAS |
Atlanta Hawks coach McMillan | NATE |
Avoids | DUCKS |
Babybel option | EDAM |
Backtrack | RENEGE |
Be jubilant | DANCEONAIR |
Before | AHEADOF |
Bit of fun | LARK |
Bolivian boy | NINO |
Brief bylaw | REG |
Cashmere kin | ANGORA |
Casino figures | ODDS |
Cavorts | ROMPS |
Chapel part | APSE |
Cheddar | DOREMI |
Cherry center | PIT |
Coffee option | ICED |
Colorful fish | OPAH |
Contribution of advice or opinions | INPUT |
Core parts | ABS |
Crib call | MAMA |
Cry of accomplishment, or admission of guilt | IDIDIT |
Different | ELSE |
Disappearing sounds | POOFS |
Dives in | STARTS |
Dragonfly habitat | POND |
Drama with masks | NOH |
Earth, in combination | GEO |
Easy gait | TROT, LOPE |
Emcee's offering | INTRO |
Evening wear | PJS |
Familiarize, in a way | ORIENT |
Fish-catching flier | OSPREY |
Four-time Tony nominee Esparza | RAUL |
Future prof's test | GRE |
Gain by force | WREST |
Garden pest? | SERPENT |
Gimlet or screwdriver | TOOL |
Give an ___ effort | AFOR |
Given a knighthood, say | HONORED |
God with a broken tusk | GANESH |
Got past the caulking | SEEPEDIN |
Grand affair | FETE |
He collaborated with Ozzy on "Ordinary Man" | ELTON |
Herb Alpert School of Music inst | UCLA |
Hersey's "A Bell for ___" | ADANO |
Humorous author Lebowitz | FRAN |
Hunters on the Allegheny Plateau | ERIE |
Hydrant attachment | HOSE |
Issue | EMIT |
Item made to measure | RULER |
Joins, as a feature | ACTSIN |
Jubilant cry | HOORAY |
Just-appointed manager who's eager to shake things up | NEWBROOM |
Lake Volta setting | GHANA |
Least noble | BASEST |
Less likely to work | FAULTIER |
Libation | QUAFF |
Clues | Answers |
Like 1950s LPs | MONO |
Like lobs | ARCED |
Like most Gallaudet students | DEAF |
Luminary | CELEB |
Maastricht Treaty subject | EUROPE |
Mason's transporter | HOD |
Middle Eastern nabob | EMIR |
Molding shape | OGEE |
More unctuous | OILIER |
Nantes noggin | TETE |
NBA All-Star Luol ___ | DENG |
Neckline shape | VEE |
Offer as proof | ADDUCE |
One may be forgiven | LOAN |
Org. with annual Humane Awards | ASPCA |
Originally called | NEE |
Ouzo kin | ANISETTE |
Overly excite | HOPUP |
Patchy | SPARSE |
Picker's guideline | FRET |
Practice group, for short | MDS |
Prospect Park plantings | ELMS |
Quechua speaker | INCA |
Recapper's unit | EPISODE |
Red state? | ANGER |
Release from one's clutches | UNHAND |
Retailer that sells 100 million rotisserie chickens annually | COSTCO |
Rich kid in the "Nancy" comic | ROLLO |
Rich pasta sauce | ALFREDO |
Rx amt., at times | TSP |
Sal of "Giant" | MINEO |
Setting stuff | CHINA |
Standing, briefly | REP |
Stock collection | HERD |
Storied Pony Express rider | CODY |
Strength | FORTE |
Strike zone boundary | KNEES |
Strike! Blackjack dealers, ___! | CLEARTHEDECKS |
Strike! Carpenters, ___! | DROPTHEHAMMER |
Strike! Dispensary workers, ___! | CUTTHEGRASS |
Strike! Elevator operators, ___! | HOLDTHEFLOOR |
Strike! Game wardens, ___! | CLOSETHEBLINDS |
Strike! Sandwich makers, ___! | STOPTHEPRESSES |
Strike! Thespians, ___! | QUITTHESCENE |
Strong dislike | AVERSION |
Tapped image | ICON |
Tavern enticement | FREEBEER |
The Baths of Caracalla site | ROME |
The H in WFH | HOME |
Tibia setting | SHIN |
Title character of whom it's said "Vex not his ghost" | LEAR |
Tony-winning musical of 1982 | NINE |
Total | RUNTO |
Trailblazing Civil War nurse | BARTON |
Two-time loser to Dwight | ADLAI |
Uninspiring | ARID |
Upset | GETTO |
URL separator | SLASH |
Vein yields | ORES |
Visit to the plate | ATBAT |
Voice quality | TONE |
Watch spot | WRIST |
Wee | ITTY |
Westernmost U.S. territory | GUAM |
William, to Lilibet | UNCLE |
Windows antecedent | MSDOS |
Without a break | ONEND |
Word from the Dutch for "salad" | SLAW |
Words of consolation | THERENOW |
Yoga practice | HATHA |
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