- Sep 5 2021 Crossword Answer
Clues | Answers |
''Ditto'' | SOAMI |
''Inner'' starter | ENTO |
''My Fair Lady'' director | CUKOR |
128 fl. oz | GAL |
24 cans, often | CASE |
43rd state | IDAHO |
45th state | UTAH |
A question of risk | DAREI |
Acknowledge as a source | CITE |
Across the pool and back | LAP |
Altoids alternative | CERTS |
Arctic native | INUIT |
Auction participants | BIDDERS |
Bathwater tester | TOE |
Become foggy | HAZEOVER |
Big game venue | ARENA |
Bit of broccoli | FLORET |
Blots out | EFFACES |
Book after Nehemiah | ESTHER |
Boston winter hrs | EST |
Brave and strong | HARDY |
Broadcasts | AIRS |
Bungle | MISDO |
Business baron | CZAR |
Calm down | PACIFY |
Came to light | AROSE |
Carved emblems | TOTEMS |
Casino exit line | IFOLD |
Caused | LEDTO |
City near Santa Fe | TAOS |
Cleaning products | SOAPS |
Club with a house | FRAT |
Common Little Italy nickname | SAL |
Comprehended | GOT |
Course listing | MENU |
CPA's calculation | ASSETS |
Cut for fit or content | EDIT |
Cuts squarishly | DICES |
Descendant | SCION |
Detective novelist Earl __ Biggers | DERR |
Digs in | EATS |
Domineering | BOSSY |
Earn an __ effort | EFOR |
Empathetic comment | ICARE |
Evaluations | TESTS |
F __ (certain test choices) | ORT |
Fairy tale trio | BEARS |
Far from colorful | DRAB |
FDR successor | HST |
Fix __ (do tire repair) | AFLAT |
Flora's field | BOTANY |
Foolish talk | ROT |
Force around USC | LAPD |
Formal denial | NOTI |
French state | ETAT |
Full-__ (hearty) | BODIED |
Gab with | CHATUP |
Gift wrapper's need | TAPE |
Golf groups | FOURSOMES |
Great report card | AAA |
Grow mellow | AGE |
Growing goats | KIDS |
Guileful | WILY |
Gymnast Korbut | OLGA |
Gymnast Mary __ Retton | LOU |
Heavenly light | STAR |
Henry Ford contemporary | OLDS |
Highway travel abbr | MPH |
Hole to fill | SLOT |
Hotel room amenities | SAFES |
Ideal, in teenspeak | PERF |
Image quality, for short | RES |
Immunological fluids | SERA |
Impressive collection | ARRAY |
In the distance | AFAR |
Infringe upon | VIOLATE |
Instigate | STIRUP |
Instrument with keys | OBOE |
Japanese autos | MAZDAS |
Japanese dog | AKITA |
Joyous song | PAEAN |
Knight rides | STEEDS |
Land rover | NOMAD |
Language of central Africa | BANTU |
Language of Iran | FARSI |
Lava, before its exit | MAGMA |
LAX board data | ETAS |
Leon who wrote historical novels | URIS |
Like a fox | FURRY |
Look closely | PEER |
Lost control on the road | SPUNOUT |
Low on cash | SHORT |
Margarine holder | TUB |
Market subsegment | NICHE |
Melt together | FUSE |
Metallic corrosion | RUST |
Move across | TRAVERSE |
Novelist Patchett | ANN |
Opinions | VIEWS |
Origin of oranges | ASIA |
Ornate tie | ASCOT |
Plant swelling | EDEMA |
Podded plants | PEAS |
Porpoise cousin | ORCA |
Power-production projects | DAMS |
Prepare a press | INK |
Pretend | ACTASIF |
Pursue | CHASE |
Quick breath | PANT |
Rock bottom | NADIR |
Secret retreat | LAIR |
Send to a senate | ELECT |
Silliness | FRIVOLITY |
Soothing plant extracts | ALOES |
Sophisticated | CLASSY |
Sought info | ASKED |
Stitch's pal in a Disney film | LILO |
Strike with a snowball | PELT |
Stuff to recycle | PAPER |
Swelter | FRY |
The Barber of Seville | FIGARO |
Thingy | GIZMO |
Tiny | ITSY |
Toiletry case | ETUI |
Tolkien letters | RUNES |
Trifling amount | MITE |
Turkish inns | IMARETS |
Upper class | GENTRY |
Upper Midwest capital | PIERRE |
UPS competitor | DHL |
Very risky proposition | BADBET |
Wear away | ERODE |
Wetlands wader | EGRET |
What may fit into a 104 Down | TAB |
Where Bollywood films are made | INDIA |
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