The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic No 27911 | |
Clues | Answers |
Appearance that is evident in heartless fellow | MIEN |
Channels getting discovered for street in structures below ground? | FOUNDATIONS |
Charm of Japanese attire | OBI |
Contact team to get best position to watch contest? | RINGSIDE |
Desire heading off to get a bit of food that isn't expensive | CHEAPIE |
Disciple penning part of Bible with short word of prayer in bit of verse | PENTAMETER |
Experts to keep on retaining old fools | BUFFOONS |
Fine material is used in sock? Not right | BATISTE |
Flycatcher's charge, we hear: insect being picked up | PHOEBE |
Former leader of Conservatives was wont to be forgiven? | EXCUSED |
Holy person getting with it at church can be a pain | STITCH |
Ignorant article in Le Monde about a conflict | UNAWARE |
In ruin I leave nothing | NIL |
Innocent chaps violently shoved into big vans | PANTECHNICONS |
Instrument taken from bag by Aunt Sally, briefly | SACKBUT |
Killer only dear to the French | BUTCHER |
Lot deemed odious in firm battle to secure foreign capital | comparisons |
Made a judgement not much appreciated about Republican | ARBITRATED |
Male of family that's kept in charge, after upsetting heir | SCION |
Music-makers love being in small groups | CELLOS |
Nothing put together can be practical | of use |
Nymph gives companion love by edge of lake | ECHO |
Prearrange patient for feature of study? | BOOKCASE |
Quality of some grub in each can brought into dining room | MEATINESS |
Repurposing curtains cut up, one uses needles | ACUPUNCTURIST |
Rich person in airport town nearly nabbed by copper, despicable type | PLUTOCRAT |
What may be evident in aura from star in colourful garment | red shift |
Worker left half abandoned gets to manage | HANDLE |
The Times - Cryptic - Times Quick Cryptic No 1819 | |
Clues | Answers |
Amount of money invested in large drinks, ten or more | double figures |
Bank containing a very fragrant plant | LAVENDER |
Bird out of its tree? | CUCKOO |
Clear location around a team | crystal palace |
Country houses or vista? | PANORAMA |
Entering Belgium, a liberated country | MALI |
Father embracing a deity in temple | PAGODA |
Final sprinkling of salt | LAST |
Fish struggle to swim? | FLOUNDER |
Five characters, wolves in disguise | VOWELS |
Girl taking shower awfully composed? | MISSPELT |
Little room on top of table for money | LOOT |
Made haste, frustrated? | DASHED |
Monster, terribly amused | MEDUSA |
Nothing covering a sharp object | NAIL |
Notion back to front for political supporter | AIDE |
Old coin for Sun, perhaps | TANNER |
Pilot bombing marina | AIRMAN |
Priest found in chapel indefinitely | ELI |
Saint, fifty, in love __ well! | HONESTLY |
Search countryside, or maybe beaches initially | COMB |
Trim wood | SPRUCE |
Wild lion used in fantasy | DELUSION |
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