The Telegraph CRYPTIC Feb 18 2021 Crossword Solutions

 The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 29,602 - Feb 18 2021 Crossword Answers

'Extraordinary rendition' case is unkindINCONSIDERATE
Acute cut protecting wicketSHREWD
After fault, catch up for gameTENNIS
Agreement entered securing dealENTENTE
Blithe man's set to ruin businessESTABLISHMENT
Burn end of finger in water vapourSTREAM
Coat used for showerPELT
Dance is hot saucy stuff!SALSA
Dress for bed, nearly with teddy's coveringNIGHTY
Encourage awareness for the audienceINCITE
Exercise or basic moves embracing sweetheartAEROBICS
Go purchasing ace undergarment for burlesqueTRAVESTY
Guarantee being guarded taking on tiradeWARRANTY
Intrusive photographers capturing Queen for tabloids?PAPERS
Join up, never imagining terrorist enemies initiallyUNITE
Liking sort of swan songPENCHANT
Munch, eating for example, nutCASHEW
Needle users found in underground systemsSEWERS
Oddly, fear left with one in paradise?AFTERLIFE
Old playful spooks rising upARCHAIC
Possibly catch dissolute Frenchman revoltingFASTENER
Remove others accepting European CommissionRESECT
See old Church saint in declineDIOCESE
Shackle hard with copper very loudlyHANDCUFF
Shyster, I assume, conceals agitationHYSTERIA
Sparkling silver rubbishAGLITTER
Stop shower before time showing inhibitionRESTRAINT
Swim round about and respireBREATHE
Top ten is beneath parodyAPEX
Violent split facing EnglishSEVERE

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