The Times - Cryptic - September 9 2020 Crossword Puzzle Solutions


The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic No 27765
Albatross spitting feathersCROSS
Awaken Greek character, fellow recliningEVOCATE
Basic things, arguably lousy and toughnitty-gritty
Better patient of mine, digitally enhanced?MANICURED
Covered by revolutionary, story in retrospect toldRELATED
Crew after fish __ is that plain?PIKESTAFF
Face attackMUG
Food for spineless lot in old assemblydiet of worms
Fourth and fifth in racecourse moving to the front __ one's a coltTRAINEE
German artist doesn't understand Russian, English and Romanian at firstDURER
Glass, one dropping to the floor?TUMBLER
Graduate draws in circles __ with this?COMPASSES
Group beginning to bathe in lakeCOMBO
Little chap following pipe down sandbankSHELF
Little wooden skewer reportedly for meat dishminute steak
Loco dabbler?MALLARD
Low dipstick gathering last drop of oil, visible when darkMOONLIT
Not entirely light batterLAM
Observing party policy, person's wise to keep schtoom in the endon-message
Old axes then again taken into battle, ridiculous thingsOXYMORONS
One persevering as a judge?TRIER
Opening exchange to the frontVENTRALLY
Piece of meat removed from menu?CUT
Reached last of peanut butter sandwichesgot at
Relish swimDIP
Rules respected? Anaemic affair in storelaw and order
Running north to east though not as trickyon the trot
Topping minister, pioneering politicianASTOR
Tropical plant fool put in wineCASSAVA
Value measured in English universityREADING
Where peace may be found, love the same wayOASIS
Writer’s aim to hold loon, say, backgore vidal
The Times - Cryptic - Times Quick Cryptic No 1697
A number drink, we hear, and become strainedtense up
Are spectators not entirely showing esteem?RESPECT
Attend and wake up?come to
Become quiet? Goodness!GOSH
Cockney's semi-embarrassed __ he burnt some cakes allegedlyALFRED
Criticism __ what's expected to come backRAP
Erin lad's possibly is one?ISLANDER
Free toilets by end of laneLOOSE
Give back profitRETURN
Glance up to see part of castleKEEP
Helpful words coming out of rescue shipsCUES
I'm Santa, moving around, showing ability to keep goingSTAMINA
Number one confronts worker directlyFIRSTHAND
Old, Her Majesty shows some resistance!OHM
On a slippery slope, taking unnecessary risks?off-piste
Poet worked hard, endlessly spinning aroundELIOT
Restrained friend crossing European riverMODERATE
Scientist of dodgy ethics taking millions inCHEMIST
Servant left abandoned by someone playing gameGOFER
Stay in Lincoln with concealed identityABIDE
Summary that's accurate except for the last bitPRECIS
Supporting scheme, man becomes loud and mournfulPLANGENT
Trip in car, overlooking right seedy club!DIVE
Verbal expression in woman's series of lectures?DISCOURSE
Women’s stories about a daughterLADIES
Worker maybe interrupting my choral directorCANTOR

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