Universal May 15 2020 Crossword Puzzle Solutions

Universal Puzzle - May 15 2020 Crossword Answers
"Hold on there!"WHOA
"I don't give ___!"AHOOT
"I need to think about that ..."HMM
"Pong" producerATARI
"___ Will" (2011 Lil Wayne hit)SHE
A, in GermanEIN
Ages and agesEONS
Appaloosa's motherMARE
Appease, as an appetiteSATE
Bad weatherSTORM
Bart's momMARGE
Biblical woman with a palindromic nameEVE
Boxing match siteRING
British water closetLOO
Catches, as fly ballsSHAGS
Child and othersCHEFS
Choose to participateOPTIN
Colonial insectANT
Cotton varietyPIMA
Crunch makerNESTLE
Dating fromASOF
Dispute about what to plant in the garden?FLORALARGUMENT
Dog baneFLEA
Element in fire extinguishers?TIN
Estate beneficiaryHEIR
Farm team connectorYOKE
Foil relativeEPEE
Forest femalesDOES
Former Chinese chairmanMAO
Forum garmentTOGA
Gift to a new tenant in England?FLATPRESENT
Herbaceous plant, before its seeds are put in a blender?FLAXTOGRIND
Island garlandsLEIS
Ivory rivalDOVE
Japanese noodleUDON
Journal unitENTRY
Lead-in to "Wayne" or "Worth"FORT
Like dear memoriesFOND
Like fine printSMALL
Like some champagneEXTRADRY
Like the puzzles on many kids menusEASY
Lipstick woeSMEAR
Makes leatherTANS
Mattress makerSERTA
More than sufficientAMPLE
Name that anagrams to "rained"ANDREI
Night class subjESL
O.R. figuresRNS
Object of adorationIDOL
Onion cousinLEEK
Save to watch laterTIVO
Shakespeare's riverAVON
Snow day rideSLED
Someone who's done forGONER
Speak publiclyORATE
Star representativeAGENT
Stein ___ (discount store chain)MART
Stimpy's partnerREN
Surgical tubeSTENT
Tennis great LendlIVAN
Tibetan monkLAMA
Timex rivalCASIO
To be, to Marie CurieETRE
Turkey and hamMEATS
Twin of RomulusREMUS
Unexpected arrival of midweek?FLASHWEDNESDAY
What you eatDIET
You might stream oneMOVIE
___ pastryPUFF

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