Irish Times (Crosaire) May 2 2020 Crossword Puzzle Solutions

Irish Times (Crosaire) Crossword - May 2 2020 - Puzzle Answers
Add zest to or rips off rap session?SEASON
Agricultural study of one of those in the cabbage family - in a funny way, it's not complicatedROCKETSCIENCE
All the numbers to be analysed within the uplifting confines of Sonata da ChiesaDATA
As a result of Open University scholarly volume about copyrightOUTCOME
Bad blood between Meg Thatcher and the revolutionaryHATRED
Being more fortunate than others, Ulick gets sorted in hospitalLUCKIER
Both sides with peppered steak for one of the widows going on ahead?PEAK
Concealed by Mount Erebus going all the way up to a nice capBERET
Craftsman toys with Sinbad's bird, Shahryar and a number of The ArabiansROCKINGHORSES
Criminal jumps over the top with raw material used for making sheetsCOTTON
Cromwell's issue, for instance, on both sides at the Battle of Naseby?BABY
For example, Granny Pat is abandoning tank topKNOT
Heartless abbot knocks back first course with cold duck and leaves for a smokeTOBACCO
Investor leaves reservations to the listenersEARS
It is found in sun block although it's alien to some of usVISITOR
It's exhausting for tenor from one wedding bandTIRING
Lasting impression of the extremes of the school yearSCAR
Leo won't participate in free love - that's far too much excitementFEVER
Mobilised carers welcome hospital hotshots?ARCHERS
Old Germanic race took over most of mine at end of war, by Jove!JUPITER
On holiday, fiction is read primarily by detached personOUTLIER
Piece of marketing understated in partGUN
Popular revolutionary consumed by smashing State is similar to 15 acrossGRANITE
Produced Narcos around unknown quantity of colourful writersCRAYONS
Reduce sound for Bible readingLESSON
Relish for starter of lobster is missing - where's the gratification in that?ENJOY
Reviews time for the writers to use to bond togetherKNIT
Saint George dismissed Georgian cliqueSET
Sample of holidays in CorkLID
Shocking those running the meetings with seats presumably in the Irish Senior Citizens' parliament?ROCKINGCHAIRS
Some foodie selection provides fuel for our energy requirementsDIESEL
Storm over old man is local nonsenseTORNADO
Temperature reflects most of Gary, Indiana - to begin with, it's cold and dreadfulTRAGIC
The means to rewrite the lawWEALTH
Transfer between banks for numerous people going overseasFERRY
Turns up in The Cotswolds needing a refillLOW
Type of pitch popular with all sides todayROCK
What iceberg did to Titanic caused troubleROCKEDTHEBOAT

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