Family Time May 18 2020 Crossword Puzzle Solutions

Family Time Puzzle- May 18 2020 Crossword Answers
"Do ___ others ..."UNTO
12 hours after midnightNOON
A billion years, as a unitEON
A dozen minus threeNINE
About 50 percent of all adultsMEN
Administer, as justiceMETE
Arrive, as darkness (2 words)SETIN
Artistic groupingTABLEAU
Baby beaverKIT
Backing for plasterLATH
Badminton necessityNET
Beluga delicacyROE
Capital of Italy no more?LIRA
Car wheel protectorHUBCAP
Chicken makerHEN
Chomped onATE
Clear, as a chalkboardERASE
Contents of a Bombay bread basketNAAN
Different choice?OTHER
Edible Pacific tuberTARO
Engine typeTURBINE
Fail to give awayKEEP
Fjord, e.gINLET
Gate fastenerLATCH
Genetic proof that you are youDNA
Guy your dad probably once wrestled, to youUNCLE
Hairstyle with much volumeAFRO
Heart of the matterESSENCE
Historical period to studyERA
Homely sounding fruit?UGLI
Horse's strideGAIT
It might have blightELM
It's often hard to live up toHYPE
Lamb providerEWE
Manny Machado's toolBAT
Move furtivelySLINK
Nautical speed unitKNOT
Not trained or cookedRAW
Pig feedSLOP
Place for a tiny portraitLOCKET
Place to liveHOME
Place to parkLOT
Pro's oppositeANTI
Put into wordsSAY
Relax in the tubSOAK
Sandwich shopDELI
Say "Wherefore art thou Romeo?"ACT
Selection of chocolatesSAMPLER
Show with singing onlyOPERA
Simple numberONE
Socket insertBULB
Spanish sheep with fine woolMERINO
Spiderweb, for exampleTRAP
Start the poker potANTE
Study very hard with limited timeCRAM
Thing in the front of a book (2 words)TITLEPAGE
Track eventMEET
Travel scheduleITINERARY
Type of elephant?ROGUE
Venomous reptileASP
Water you can stand onICE
You live on itEARTH
Zoo attractionAPE

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