Irish Times (Simplex) Apr 2 2020 Crossword Puzzle Solutions

Irish Times (Simplex) Crossword - April 2 2020 - Puzzle Answers
Ballet position sounds like a dipping dish?FONDU
Blood poisoningSEPSIS
Classify or gradeSTRATIFY
Cooking apparatusSTOVE
Cut down, lessenREDUCE
Discuss through argumentDEBATE
Distances downwardDEPTHS
Division of a textPARAGRAPH
Each and allEVERYONE
Equally distant from the extremesMIDWAY
Feline forty winksCATNAP
Fibre that transmits instructions to the brainNERVE
Financially effectiveECONOMIC
Genuine, not a copyAUTHENTIC
High renown or honour wonGLORY
Hind portion of a side of baconGAMMON
In what way?HOW
Large hairy spiderTARANTULA
Long narrow depressionGROOVE
Lower digitTOE
Male felineTOM
Migratory aquatic birdsGEESE
Moves backwardsREVERSES
Of birdsAVIAN
Particular environment or walk of lifeSPHERE
Prove to be false or incorrectREBUT
Seated strangely in a demure sort of waySEDATE
Sharp hooked clawTALON
Shaving implementsRAZORS
Shining intenselyDAZZLING
Sleeping chambersBEDROOMS
Strange tangerine from S. American countryARGENTINE
They steer ships in and out of harboursPILOTS
Thick liquid, distilled from coalTAR
Took in or sucked upABSORBED
Warrior in a holy warCRUSADER

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