The Telegraph TOUGHIE Feb 25 2020 Crossword Puzzle Solutions

The Telegraph TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 2,390 Feb 25 2020 Answers
Avoided work and moved along, ignoring leaderIDLED
Awfully cheeky and unoriginalHACKNEYED
Begin digging around riverINTRO
Benefactor promoting new American centreNUCLEUS
Blot out absence of effort over beginning of resitsERASE
Brisker steed initially more excitableSNAPPIER
Broadcast supporting set welcoming hospital's invalid transportBATHCHAIR
Concubine loses son three times in jointMITRE
Create surface cover, set up and talk at length; vanishEVAPORATE
Frenchman possibly with house for a revolting personGHOUL
I will follow hound that hunts for moneyAFGHANI
Material's marvellous, almost sumptuousFABRIC
Month to go over nearly everything to do with numbering systemOCTAL
Not hopeful result of adding selection of oriental foodsDIMSUM
Ordinary enclosure, dry out of doorsOPENAIR
Outdated second squadSTEAM
Part of maturing row not developed towards centreINGROWN
Revolutionary ops began working on gallon waterproof containerSPONGEBAG
Schoolmate sadly abandoning scruffy sham furOCELOT
Set of stories strangely gloomy about unknown time with husbandMYTHOLOGY
Sparkle of good settled theory now and thenGLITTER
Student leaves cougar for one old ladyMAMMA
Sturgeon's cross, avoiding Liberal lampoonerySATIRE
Succeed at the long jump away from home?OUTBOUND
Succeeded, as things are, to halt flow from peakSNOWCAP
Turmoil as postal system reported awful stormMAELSTROM
Twerp wanting to have old rag hatTITFORTAT
Visual's up to date, putting operator firstOPTICAL
What's grown from fuss surrounding unfinished oralAVOCADO
With limits of barrier removed, fish intrude beyond boundariesENCROACH
With no hesitation saintly and not heartless in troubleINSTANTLY
Yen -- yen! Making moneyYEARNING

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