Need neuter, I suppose | DESIRE |
One pound in tax? It'll go over your head | TRILBY |
Place for trying vintage bucket, right for yard | OLDBAILEY |
Plan what's central to official diplomacy on the left | TACTIC |
Rule over what Russian car shows -- an Arctic beast | WALRUS |
Scrooge's bloke turning a blind eye to what gets trouble started | MISER |
Spread around, enter somehow -- get it? | PENETRATE |
Stiffener in old-style boot | BUSKIN |
Still starting to step down | SNAP |
Stroke troubles son | CARESS |
Sweetener in cuppa, rejecting hospital tosh | CARROT |
Twenty-five quid dog -- a fashion accessory (of sorts) | PONYTAIL |
Usual cost for superior studio | PARAMOUNT |
Where you'll see spray surround English lake | LAPEL |
Writer about to accept colour of a boat carrying plenty of money | PEAGREEN |
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