- July 29 2018 Crossword Puzzle Answers Crossword Puzzle Solutions - Jul 29 2018
Clues Answers
''. . . __ man put asunder'' LETNO
''Close, but no __'' CIGAR
''Hunger Games'' contestants HUNTERS
''I'd be glad to'' SURE
''Lion King'' queen NALA
''Lithuanians and __ do it'' (Cole Porter lyric) LETTS
''Much obliged'' THANKYOU
''Really?'' ITIS
''Steppenwolf'' author HESSE
''There's __ in 'team''' NOI
'70s dance hall DISCO
10th-century explorer ERIK
53, in the old Forum LIII
Aflame LIT
Agree to let go of, in a way SELL
Alphabetic trio STU
As, to Einstein ARSENIC
Assist feloniously ABET
Autobahn autos OPELS
Ballet rail BARRE
Barometer of views POLL
Before now PRIOR
Bonnie's partner in crime CLYDE
Burnett of CNN ERIN
Capital near the Oregon Trail TOPEKA
Center of activity HUB
Certain proof of payment TICKET
Charged particle ION
Cold and damp DANK
Collect dust SIT
Comes in for REPLACES
Common Western setting RANCH
Conceits EGOS
Conservative in Parliament TORY
Crime lab specimen DNA
Dazzling display ECLAT
Detached, with ''off'' TORE
Do Not Call Registry agcy FTC
Drag out of bed ROUST
Elton John Broadway score AIDA
Fanatical AVID
Fast ferry JETBOAT
Fencing challenge ENGARDE
First man in space GAGARIN
Fluid-ounce fraction DRAM
Forest female DOE
French school ECOLE
Garfield's foil ODIE
German philosopher KANT
Go-to people PROS
Grad get-together REUNION
Grilled, in Mexican cuisine ASADA
Hang around LOITER
Heavenly being, in Berlin ENGEL
High bond rating AAA
In a foul mood TESTY
Ionian Sea isle CORFU
It means ''green'' ECO
Japanese chip maker NEC
Japanese national sport SUMO
Koran creator ALLAH
Lake rentals CANOES
Litter's littlest RUNT
Long lunches HEROS
Long-grain rice BASMATI
Loses firmness SAGS
Low poker card TREY
Make over REDO
Memo heading INRE
Moussaka ingredient ONION
Musically accurate ONKEY
Mythical weeper NIOBE
NBA great with size 22 sneakers ONEAL
Ne'er-do-well ROGUE
Nearly unobtainable RARE
NFL nickname NINER
No longer in force EXPIRED
Not many ACOUPLE
Not moving INERT
Obligatory for, with ''upon'' INCUMBENT
Oodles MUCH
Opposite of ''systematic'' RANDOM
Oscar actress Marisa TOMEI
Owing too much INAHOLE
Pac-12's Trojans USC
Pale gray ASHY
Part of BA ARTS
Paula once of ''Dancing with the Stars'' ABDUL
Permanently EVER
Pick-__ (tonic) MEUP
Piecrust ingredient LARD
Pride member LIONESS
Rather cold NIPPY
Rather dense DOLTISH
Regions' organisms BIOTAS
Rice the writer ANNE
Rick's ''Casablanca'' pianist SAM
Ruble fraction KOPEK
Ruckus ADO
Rumor preface, perhaps THEYSAY
Salon creation COIF
Schedule spot SLOT
Sea swirl EDDY
Sends forth EMITS
Slender instrument OBOE
Something in the air ODOR
Spectrum shade RED
Spots for ''stepping'' STONES
Station screen posting ONTIME
Talk interminably YAK
Tasty tidbits MORSELS
Taurus preceder ARIES
Thick carpet SHAG
Toastmasters EMCEES
Touch lightly DAB
Tough spot JAM
Traveled with difficulty TREKKED
Trompe l'__ (painting illusion) OEIL
Trying to reach base ATBAT
Turban wearers SIKHS
Turn to compost ROT
Type of hurricane protection STORMDOOR
Ultimate cause ROOT
Unfortunate SAD
Via __ (fashionable street of Rome) VENETO
Vision-correction acronym LASIK
Wafting thing AROMA
Waiter at airports TAXI
Watches over TENDS
What this is two from END
What's placed on a violin rest CHIN
What's worn TOGS
With stitches put in SEWN
Word in many motel chain names INN
Word of farewell ADIEU
Yucatán ''Yes, sir'' SISENOR
Yuma's river GILA

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