New York Times - July 30 2018 Monday Crossword Puzzle Answers

New York Times Crossword Puzzle Solutions - Jul 30 2018 Monday 
Clues Answers
'If there's any justice!' IHOPE
'SportsCenter' channel ESPN
'The Thin Man' dog ASTA
'You folks,' in Dixie YALL
'___ and ye shall receive' ASK
'___ la vie' CEST
*Annual event displaying agricultural products STATEFAIR
*Attack from the sky AIRSTRIKE
*Candy from a candy machine GUMBALL
*In a daze SPACEDOUT
*Spilling a drink or eating all the guacamole, say PARTYFOUL
*Vacationer's container for valuables HOTELSAFE
A hot one might be trending TOPIC
Add some style to SPIFFUP
Appear to be SEEM
Ashton Kutcher TV role KELSO
Become edible, as a fruit RIPEN
Better than ___ EVER
Bouquet holder VASE
Bread served with vindaloo NAAN
Brother mentioned more than 70 times in Genesis ESAU
Children's author ___ Asquith ROS
Covertness STEALTH
Dog biter FLEA
Dreamcast console maker SEGA
Envision SEE
Expanses of land TRACTS
Extend, as a membership RENEW
Fold-up bed COT
Hauling TOTING
Hole digger's tool SPADE
It lets things slide LUBE
Item in a caddie's bag TEE
Japanese beer brand KIRIN
Junior ___, 12-time Pro Bowl linebacker SEAU
Knightley of 'The Imitation Game' KEIRA
Lead on ENTICE
Leaf-gathering tool RAKE
Length x width, for a rectangle AREA
Low voice BASSO
Met performance OPERA
Metal refuse SLAG
Middle-aged women with eyes for younger men COUGARS
Midlevel voice ALTO
Miner's haul ORE
Monte ___ (gambling haven) CARLO
Motivate INSPIRE
Narrow escape ... or what the end of the answer to each starred clue is? CLOSECALL
Nonstick cookware brand TFAL
Of the highest rank AONE
Official with a whistle, informally REF
One in a cast ACTOR
One might end with .org URL
Org. that distributes music royalties ASCAP
Original 'Monty Python' network BBC
Original Beatles bassist ___ Sutcliffe STU
Parisian goodbye ADIEU
Peeved SORE
Pesky flier GNAT
Punishment-related PENAL
Rangers or Flyers NHLTEAM
Request at a hair salon PERM
Rhythmic pattern CADENCE
Rock grp. with the 1977 song 'Rockaria!' ELO
Roulette playing piece CHIP
Rowboat propeller OAR
School founded by King Henry VI ETON
Screen siren Gardner AVA
Siblings' daughters NIECES
Socially assertive types ALPHAS
Sound like a crow CAW
Sun or planet ORB
Take legal action SUE
Unexpressed TACIT
Widemouthed pot OLLA
Word after life or bulletproof VEST
___-friendly (green) ECO

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