USA Today - December 31 2017 Sunday Crossword Puzzle Answers

 USA Today Crossword Puzzle Solutions - Dec 31 2017 Sunday
Clues Answers
 Cooked to perfection
"___ of the line" END
"___ questions?" ANY
"America's Got Talent" group PANEL
"Bonny" girl LASS
"For ___ sake!" PETES
"Gladiator" battle milieu ARENA
"Hogwash!" ROT
"Hogwash!" ROT
"Many moons ___ . . ." AGO
"Speed Racer" genre ANIME
___ center (place to play) REC
___ Lang (Clark Kent's boyhood love) LANA
___ Miss (Rebels' school) OLE
___ Moss (fashion label) ELLA
___ squash (ridged vegetable) ACORN
___-Magnon man CRO 
___-trick pony ONE
Add tinsel to, say ADORN
Approach to a 6-Across AISLE
Assayers' samples ORES
Beast of the zodiac RAM
Cathedral city of England ELY
Changed from PG to PG-13, say RERATED
Channel for 29-Across CANAL
Common abbr. after "Co." INC
Commuter's daily grind RATRACE
Costa Brava's land SPAIN
Curling or hurling SPORT
Damsel in distress's cry SAVEME
Dance to "Hernando's Hideaway," say TANGO
Edward who wrote "The Sandbox" ALBEE
Exchange verbal jabs SPAR
Explosive letters TNT
Eye suggestively OGLE
Fanzine cover subjects IDOLS
First daughter of 1993-2001 CHELSEA
Forest site of Sgt. York's heroics ARGONNE
Gave an overhaul to REDID
Golden Arches pork offering MCRIB
Gorge carved by the Colorado River GRANDCANYON
Hold together firmly COHERE
Holds the deed to OWNS
Is short, in a way OWES
It's 72 for many courses PAR
Jouster's weapon LANCE
Kowalski who cried "Hey Stella!" STAN
Lake Como's land ITALY
Like old jeans FADED
Lingering mark SCAR
Literary award named for Poe EDGAR
Manicurist's abrasive EMERY
Many a Neruda poem ODE
Most trite STALEST
Nattily dressed ATTIRED
Old pal CRONY
Out of gas, so to speak WEARY
Pick from a menu SELECT
Press coverage, slangily INK
Public to-do SCENE
Put up with ABIDE
Quality of fresh paint WETNESS
Replaceable joint HIP
Roulette bet ODD
Sacrificial spot ALTAR
Scratch the surface of MAR
Shower dangler SOAPONAROPE
Shrewd political negotiator HORSETRADER
Sine qua ___ NON
Spill hot coffee on, say SCALD
Spiny crustacean ROCKLOBSTER
Spitfire fliers of WWII RAF
Strauss of jeans LEVI
Towboats' burdens BARGES
Turn informer against RATON
Unreturned serve ACE
Volleyball court shout IGO
Word that can follow the first parts of 17- and 51-Across and 11- and 25-Down OPERA

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