Irish Times (Crosaire) - October 31 2017 Crossword Puzzle Answers

Irish Times (Crosaire) Crossword Puzzle Solutions - Oct 31 2017 
Argument behind piece tends to threaten those who might be a targetGUNPOINT
Bar the using of the hosepipe - it's a target of one of The GreensWATERINGHOLE
Crab finds Labour is no place for the menHENPARTY
Dance tango in friendly islandsTONGA
Do tell us more about engineering operating system for setting up genetic codeEXPAND
Doesn't put off casual worker going up roadTEMPTS
Engineer finds test site to address complicated designELABORATE
Fifth columnist in Argentina dismisses IranAGENT
Gets Holly back into shape by cutting back on the Chardonnay?PRUNER
Going back over one's footsteps, heading off distressed and moving fastRETRACING
Honest detective leads a national operation for one of the big types that gets playedUPRIGHTPIANO
Iranian neighbour provides a party for Chinese ethnic groupAFGHAN
Most of the Irish and English going to school with some of the pupilsIRISES
Old visitors to Dublin from north or south - English dudes?NORSEMEN
One of those in 27 across is first mentioned by the bodyORGANISM
Pretend to cooperate as Waiting for Godot, for one, at first is drawn outPLAYALONG
Relative loses head with what's freeUNTIE
Sacramento disregards scam? Fancy that!ORNATE
She cares extraordinarily for the scoutsSEARCHES
State reception for head doing all the talkingANNOUNCER
Steer clear of Aeneas from the Age of ReasonFORGO
Stiff one in paper tends to be hot and cold in retrospectSTARCH
Suits those at the centresHEARTS
Ticked off around college about reading by one of those renowned for their spelling perhapsSORCERER
To a certain degree one has to defend itDISSERTATION
Top team in Championship tells a lie about race gossipTITTLETATTLE
Turn a deaf ear to rewritten river odeOVERRIDE
Turns up, American college admits school is accessible to everyone looking after their own familyNEPOTISM

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