USA Today - July 4 2017 Tuesday Crossword Puzzle Answers

USA Today Crossword Puzzle Solutions - July 4 2017 Tuesday 
Kleenex layersPLIES
"Hunger Games" field of battleARENA
Depress, with "out"BUM
Aesopian finaleMORAL
Participants in soft-drink "wars"COLAS
Game with colorful cardsUNO
Prison that never changes?STATICCLINK
Mrs. Andy CappFLO
Filly, in timeMARE
Morley of "60 Minutes"SAFER
Biopic about Ritchie ValensLABAMBA
Put into solitary, sayISOLATE
JPEG and GIF files, e.g.IMAGES
Like physicals, for manyANNUAL
Redcap or skycap, at timesTOTER
Succeed big-timeACEIT
"___ Buttermilk Sky"OLE
"Draft Dodger Rag" singer PhilOCHS
Quidditch, to Harry PotterSPORT
Origami birdSWAN
"___ too shabby!"NOT
Pitch the first inningSTART
Bronze medalist’s placeTHIRD
Favorable trend on Wall StreetUPTURN
Pearl Jam’s genreGRUNGE
Natural, as lightingAMBIENT
Moved stealthilySLINKED
Song of lamentDIRGE
Marshmallow chick or bunnyPEEP
"Aladdin" princeALI
Commotion at a precinct house?POLICESTINK
Parker or CrossPEN
Papal bull, e.g.EDICT
Davis of "Jungle Fever"OSSIE
"For shame!"TSK
Needs a bath badlyREEKS
Dressed to killNATTY
Downing Street VIPsPMS
Sotheby’s offeringLOT
Portfolio holding, for shortIRA
"Have some"EAT
A dress size smaller, maybeSLIMMER
Capital on the Gulf of GuineaACCRA
Superman, to Reeve or ReevesROLE
Y-sporting collegianELI
A Bobbsey twinNAN
Invites to dinner, sayASKSOUT
Bovine flirtation?BUFFALOWINK
Lacking a tenantUNLET
Bond player after ConneryMOORE
Street fleetCABS
In the style ofALA
Discovered by chanceLITON
BP merger partnerAMOCO
Where a rubber duck might ice skate?BATHTUBRINK
". . . and children of all ___!"AGES
Like krypton or radonINERT
Fit of piqueSNIT
Variety of squashACORN
In piecesAPART
Fast-food menu optionLARGE
Wrapped upENDED
Sci-fi phaser settingSTUN
Treat like a pariahSHUN
Harder to climb, perhapsSTEEPER
Stumbles overTRIPSON
"Animal Farm" animalPIG
Series with Lea MicheleGLEE
Modify to fitADAPT
Fitbit calculationMILES
Some splinter groupsSECTS
Miner’s or guitarist’s needPICK
"___ to Joy"ODE
Alibi, perhapsLIE
Screeners at JFKTSA
Adherent’s suffixIST
Issue that one may 49-DownNIT
Cryptographer’s aidKEY

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