The Telegraph - Toughie - July 29 2016 Crossword Puzzle Answer

The Telegraph - Toughie Crossword Puzzle Solution - July 29 2016
... showing foresight about one here on the outsidePRESCIENT
Allergic to begin with, points at nuts in starterANTIPASTO
Alternative source of biofuel introduced by power plantPOTHERB
Calm, rational type of duke presently leading men harbouring dashed hopesPHILOSOPHER
Cardinal's hot in plane, maybeTHREE
Clergyman getting caught up front, embracing a godCREATOR
Cross one getting time for a break?ELEVEN
Determined, makes money long ago?EARNEST
Flexible cleat is bentELASTIC
Fruit borne by university degree after school examsSATSUMA
Gentle stroll outside theatre, evacuated for nowPROTEM
Great hawk, circling wideSWELL
Hack into unusually subtle, dry gossipSCUTTLEBUTT
Keep getting soaked when removing top in bad weatherRETAIN
Learner's boss briefly getting depressionSTUDENT
Letter from European left in winter sports venueEPISTLE
Mass exit after unsheathed daggers sportedAGGREGATE
Means of reviving The Listener?EARDROP
Mentioned spots before the eyes -- this is where they can beSPECS
Narrow, small feature secured in Oxford, saySTRAITLACED
Organ indicated by an X?TIMES
Plough pitches around Rhode IslandTRIONES
Ponder about what's in front of youPUZZLE
Shape faith in branch of society that's died outLOZENGE
Tightly drawn back in one moveACTUATE
Tugging hard, split goldfish?HAULING
Wade perhaps in displays -- was first to get over damSPORTSWOMAN
Wonder at former prison staff on the inside ...AMAZEMENT

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