Answers | |
'Eat!' | DIGIN |
'Munch a bunch' brand | FRITOS |
Affirmative answer | YES |
Affirmative answer | AYE |
Be an ominous sign of | PORTEND |
Bit of fish food | PELLET |
Blond hair, for one | TRAIT |
Brewer's product | ALE |
Conclusion | ENDING |
Creator of Abner Yokum | ALCAPP |
Criminal during a blackout | LOOTER |
Cut away the outer layer of | PARE |
Defeated in a footrace | OUTRAN |
Dispenser of dollars | ATM |
Easy gait | TROT |
Facilitate | ENABLE |
Facing the pitcher | ATBAT |
Famed loch denizen | NESSIE |
Far from cool | NERDY |
Filling completely | SATING |
Football field setting | ARENA |
Forced higher, as prices | DRIVENUP |
Gaelic language | ERSE |
Get trounced | LOSE |
Go back on a promise | RENEGE |
Hardly buff | FLABBY |
Horror legend Chaney | LON |
Hosp. sections | ERS |
Hostage holders | CAPTORS |
Hostage, for example | PRISONER |
Indistinct memory | BLUR |
Joint component | BONE |
Joseph of 'Citizen Kane' | COTTEN |
Letter before kappa | IOTA |
Magpie's cousin | CROW |
Mall business | STORE |
Clues | Answers |
Mall event | SALE |
Man with a van | MOVER |
Marshy ground | MIRE |
Mercury or Mars | PLANET |
Notify | TELL |
One hogging the mirror | PREENER |
Ordinary writing | PROSE |
Phone downloads | APPS |
Place for a wrap and a massage | SPA |
Platform for a speaker | DAIS |
Poker variety | STUD |
Pop's mom | GRANNY |
Popular brand for young colorers | CRAYOLA |
Pothole site | ROAD |
R-rated, perhaps | STEAMY |
Residence fit for a king | CASTLE |
Right away, in a memo | ASAP |
Rocker Clapton | ERIC |
Root used to make poi | TARO |
Rude looks | STARES |
Salad base | GREENS |
Shrill barks | YAPS |
Slave Scott in an 1857 Supreme Court decision | DRED |
Slow tempo | LARGO |
Soapy devotion via phone | DIALAPRAYER |
Soapy light that's groovy | LAVALAMP |
Soapy military branch | COASTGUARD |
Soapy overly academic spot | IVORYTOWER |
Soapy piece of orchestral music | TONEPOEM |
Stack in a kitchen cupboard | PLATES |
Summer mo | AUG |
They may be caught off base | AWOLS |
Train stop: Abbr | STA |
Word after Iron or Ice | AGE |
Words on an arrow-shaped street sign | ONEWAY |
Yang's counterpart | YIN |
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