The Telegraph - Toughie - June 29 2016 Crossword Puzzle Answer

The Telegraph - Toughie Crossword Puzzle Solution - June 29 2016

A disgrace to criticise onion RAPSCALLION
A report doctored in support of old surgeon, perhaps? OPERATOR
All-male relationship as couple heartlessly broken up by sultanate BROMANCE
American bird, one resembling a coot? BALDPATE
Amount lost in second act of plundering SPILLAGE
Bell, a monster CHIMERA
Bill of the future monarchy? POSTER
Current to wear a warmer fleece in South American city ASUNCION
Durable material requiring Indian staple, sharp NANKEEN
Fair, engaging revolutionary figure -- as such? MARXIST
Fish with legs music to a cat's ears? WALKINGBASS
Giving endless criticism after getting bitter in recession ELASTIC
Ivy League member against flag PENNON
Kind to welcome one not having a certain faith GENTILE
Clues Answers
Marsupial getting flap cut from behind WOMBAT
Mutton confined to history? Second in line is beef PASTRAMI
Nonsense, the other half as a whole? DOUBLEDUTCH
Old British leader, a general on the wagon? ATTLEE
Pedallin' over top of incline, gear in little pieces BIKINI
People divided by chief's divine rule THEARCHY
Perfect drug good, but all mice furious about it? MAGICBULLET
Plant first of lupins, flower back in front! VALERIAN
Pork pie made from tail of cow, and frog or kangaroo, perhaps? WHOPPER
Rare to bury dead, it's told RELATED
Spicy thing that will embarrass a footballer? NUTMEG
Undergraduate educators told off about university, audibly OUTLOUD
Wind heading for Limoges south of windy Paris SPIRAL
Yellow stuff, some corn gets to grow bigger EARWAX

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