L.A. Times Daily - Feb 28 2016 Sunday Crossword Puzzle Answer

L.A. Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Solution - Feb 28 2016 Sunday

Clues Answers
__ a manger: dining room  SALLE
__ Picchu MACHU
'60s-'70s TV detective  IRONSIDE
Ability scorned by many ESP
Absorbent cloth  TERRY
Affixed, in a way  TIED ON
Alberto's alternative, with "el"  OTRO
Ancient Chinese sage  LAO TSE
Animal rights issue  FURS
Antarctic sight  FLOE
Antismoking TV spots, e.g.  PSAS
Applied __  ARTS
As __ Like It  YOU
Assistant to millions  SIRI
Attention-getters at a bar WINKS
Attention-getters on the road  TOOTS
Bar offerings  SHOTS
Best Western fishing amenities?  MOTEL BROOKS (Mel Brooks + OT)
Beth preceder  ALEF
Bit  TAD
Blackjack need  ACE
Blue shoe material of song SUEDE
Brewery container VAT
Business where lines are discouraged? BOTOX OFFICE (box office + OT)
Calendar abbr.  FRI
Campus challenges  FINALS
CBS Sunday Morning correspondent Mo  ROCCA
Charged atoms  IONS
Charlemagne's realm: Abbr.  HRE
Child-friendly?  SUITED TO A TOT (suited to a T + OT)
Classic delivery vehicle  PANEL TRUCK
Cold weather moisturizer?  THE LOTION IN WINTER (The Lion in Winter + OT)
Compel to accept, as ideas  FORCE UPON
Contest with picadors CORRIDA
Crookshanks, in Harry Potter fiction  CAT
Danny __, Shel Silverstein's "dancin' bear"  ODARE
Defunct carrier  TWA
Defunct self-serve eatery  AUTOMAT
Did away with voting?  DROPPED THE BALLOT (dropped the ball + OT)
Dish name from the Tamil for "sauce" CURRY
Early name in late TV  PAAR
Econ. statistics  GNPS
Eraserhead star Jack  NANCE
European travel guide author Rick __  STEVES
Exodus high point  SINAI
Fact-checking can help avoid it LIBEL
Father of Methuselah ENOCH
Features of some traffic signals ARROWS
First named Atlantic storm in 10 different years to date ARLENE
First Nations tribe CREE
Flattering  HONEYED
Flimflam  CON
Freed (of)  RID
From scratch  ANEW
Fulfill the requirements QUALIFY
Geek Squad pros  TECHS
Get it finished  DO THE JOB
Gets out of Dodge  RIDES OFF
Gives a thumbs-up  OKS
Go on and on, with "on" DRONE
Gradually made a member of  DREW INTO
Gulf Coast environs  BAYOUS
Harry's successor  IKE
Haute couture initials  YSL
Hi-__ image  RES
Holiday __  INN
Hope venues for 50 yrs.  USO SHOWS
How could I not see that?!  DOH!
It merged with WorldCom in 1998 MCI
Johann : "Sehr gut" :: Jacques : "__ bien" TRES
Judd of country music  NAOMI
Just checking the alarm, folks  IT'S A TEST
Just say no DECLINE
Kitchen remodeling selection  RANGE TOP
Latin dating word ANNO
Library fixture  LAMP
Like Pluto, once  NINTH
Like some lions ASIATIC
Linguistic source of "pajamas"  HINDI
Lionel Hampton's instrument  VIBES
Maker of Veriton computers ACER
Makes it easier HELPS
Meir's successor  RABIN
Micronesia components ATOLLS
Mini- analog  ETTE
Moor's money pool?  OTHELLO KITTY (Hello Kitty + OT)
More of the same letters ETC
Moves it  HIES
Nearly flawless diamond highlights ONE-HITTERS
Needle holder  ETUI
Nincompoop  MORON
Noodle variety  SOBA
Not as expected  ODDER
Omsk objection  NYET
One-named Milanese model  FABIO
Outback fare STEAKS
Periods in sentences  TERMS
Pilates class array  MATS
Pink, for example HUE
Poppycock  ROT
Possum pal of Porky Pine  POGO
Pretty, maidenwise  FAIR
Queen's body double?  OTHER ROYAL MAJESTY (Her Royal Majesty + OT)
Real Madrid's game  FUTBOL
Red Sox legend Williams  TED
Relax  FIVE
Retirement plans  PENSIONS
Script fixers, for short EDS
Secretary of Education Duncan ARNE
Seller of chew toys PETCO
Shaft access  ADIT
Sheltered spots  NOOKS
Some factory workers  ROBOTS
Space bar neighbor  ALT
Spoils at your neighbor's house?  THE BOOTY NEXT DOOR (the boy next door + OT)
Squander BLOW
Status __  QUO
Steaming  IRATE
Stymies FOILS
Target of icing  CAKE
Target of icing  PUCK
They help define a lot  ACRES
Top spots  APEXES
Toy Story dinosaur  REX
Trig function  SINE
TV Land fare  RERUN
Unhidden  OVERT
Up to, on invites  TIL
Utterly enchant  BESOT
Voyage segment LEG
Wall St. hedger  ARB
Wishful words  I HOPE
Words with a certain ring I DO
Work on a tree, maybe  DECORATE
Zen paradox  KOAN
Zwei quadrupled  ACHT

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