Premier Sunday - King Feature Syndicate - Jan 3 2016 Crossword Puzzle Answer

Premier Sunday - King Feature Syndicate Crossword Puzzle Solution - Jan 3 2016
Clues Answers
'I knew it!' AHA
'Icky!' EEW
'It' game TAG
'One,' on a U.S. coin UNUM
'See you' BYE
'That's what -- service!' ICALL
'We did it!' YAY
*Ad Council bloodhound MCGRUFFTHECRIMEDOG
*At a short distance CLOSERANGE
*Divorcée in 1991 news IVANATRUMP
*It may show acidity LITMUSTEST
*Metro section manager CITYEDITOR
*They don't have qwerty layouts DVORAKKEYBOARDS
*Tool whose teeth rotate CIRCULARSAW
-- Islands (Danish chain) FAEROE
-- law (computer industry rule) MOORES
2004 Chevy debut AVEO
22nd letter VEE
Again ANEW
All tied up EVEN
Aloha Stadium site OAHU
Antsy feeling AGITA
Arab nation OMAN
Argus-eyed ALERT
Bacon piece ESSAY
Baseballer Slaughter ENOS
Batter RAM
Be off ERR
Biblical twin ESAU
Big name in Art Deco ERTE
Bitingly cold RAW
Bloom holder VASE
Blow a horn TOOT
Brogan part HEEL
Burlesque dancer Lili STCYR
Cartoonist Al CAPP
Caucus state IOWA
Chargers linebacker Manti -- TEO
Chilling EERIE
Chin-wag CHAT
Church chant LITANY
Coll. in Lower Manhattan NYU
Colleague of Trotsky LENIN
Color tone HUE
Costello and Holtz LOUS
Coup group CABAL
Cow of ads ELSIE
Crusty roll KAISER
Deadeye's skill AIM
Derivation ORIGIN
Drusilla divorced him NERO
Epic story SAGA
Et -- (plus more) ALIA
Event invitee GUEST
Feeling bliss INHEAVEN
Fetus feeder PLACENTA
Filled up SATED
First phases ONSETS
Fox or ox MAMMAL
Freezes ICES
Full of melting snow SLUSHY
Gardner of 'The Bribe' AVA
Giant in train travel AMTRAK
Goes (for) OPTS
Golfer Trevino LEE
Good tidbit TREAT
Gooey camp treats SMORES
Gp. for fillers and drillers ADA
Haikus, e.g POEMS
Clues Answers
Has a feeling SENSES
Haul in ARREST
Have -- of hope ARAY
Hearth waste ASH
Henry VIII's third Catherine PARR
In thing FAD
Jenna Bush, to Jeb NIECE
Juan's 'this' ESTA
Kitchen filter SIEVE
Kotter of TV GABE
Lacking pity STONY
Least limited FREEST
Like paraffin WAXY
Llama locale PERU
Luau libation MAITAI
Many eras EON
Marvel mutants XMEN
Mendacity LIE
Min. segment SEC
Morse 'E' DIT
Mud in a cup JAVA
Mudbath site SPA
Native Nebraskan OTO
NBA and NRA, e.g ORGS
Negatives NOS
Nettle VEX
No voters ANTIS
Old rulers TSARS
On or about NEAR
One paid to park cars VALET
Oscar winner Kedrova LILA
Paella base RICE
PC pictures ICONS
Pen's tip NIB
Petty of film LORI
Pfizer drug VIAGRA
Plate DISH
Process unit STEP
Prophesier ORACLE
Quiz's kin EXAM
Rider, e.g ADDON
Rigidly formal STIFF
Roly-poly FAT
Saving sort HERO
Segment PART
Sharif of 'Funny Girl' OMAR
She bleats EWE
Shul scroll TORAH
Shul-goer JEW
Sister of Clio ERATO
Slight residue TRACE
Snow-pure CHASTE
Spanish plural article LAS
String after Q RST
Suffix with 114-Down INE
Sup at home EATIN
Sweet filling CREAM
Taxi readout FARE
Teaches new skills RETRAINS
Thin-screen boob tube FLATTV
Ticked (off) TEED
Tips, as a cap DOFFS
Try to hit, as a fly SWATAT
Turn sharply VEER
Vane locales ROOFTOPS
What the double-digit Roman numerals at the starts of the answers to the starred clues add up to TWOTHOUSANDSIXTEEN
Wild horse BRONCO

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