Premier Sunday - King Feature Syndicate - Oct 04, 2015 Crossword Puzzle Answer

Premier Sunday - King Feature Syndicate Crossword Puzzle Solution - Oct 04, 2015 Crossword Puzzle Answer
Clues Answers
'A Mighty Fortress -- God' (hymn) ISOUR
'Arabian Nights' hero ALIBABA
'Either he goes -- go!' ORI
'I'm keeping my eye --!' ONYOU
'Inherited or acquired' dichotomy [2nd from the sun] NATUREVSNURTURE
'No deal!' FORGETIT
'Page Down' user, e.g SCROLLER
'Peter Pan' penner BARRIE
'Sand' actor Estevez EMILIO
'Zip your lip!' CANIT
-- -gatherum OMNIUM
-- -TURN (street sign) NOU
-- Fridays TGI
-- gin fizz (cocktail) RAMOS
-- Island (old immigration point) ELLIS
-- Nevada SIERRA
52-Down, e.g.: Abbr MTN
A martial art JUDO
A, in French UNE
Abbr. for those with only one given name NMI
About INRE
Actor Dane ERIC
Additional ELSE
Additional examination [3rd from the sun] FURTHERANALYSIS
Ancient Indian emperor called 'the Great' ASHOKA
Ar-tee linkup ESS
Badgers' kin ERMINES
Beatified Fr. woman STE
Book review? AUDIT
Carnivore's intake MEATDIET
Colo. clock setting MST
Comic Berle MILTON
Complacent SMUG
Confronted MET
Couture magazine ELLE
Cozy eatery CAFE
Declare SAY
Deco artist ERTE
Died down WANED
Diner dishes OMELETS
Don't dissent AGREE
Ear-piercing LOUD
EIdest Musketeer ATHOS
Emperor exiled to Elba NAPOLEON
Enthusiast NUT
Eve's music RAP
Extend (out) JUT
Fencing weapons EPEES
Fight arbiters REFS
Fleur-de-lis IRIS
Funicello of film ANNETTE
Gabrielle of modeling and volleyball REECE
Gain back RECOUP
Gain maturity AGE
Gen. Robert -- ELEE
Get in a trap ENSNARE
Gig fraction BYTE
Goof up ERR
Hall-of-Fame Jets running back [4th from the sun] CURTISMARTIN
Hobgoblin ELF
Home of Elaine, in Arthurian lore ASTOLAT
Infield fly ball POPUP
Italian for 'seven' SETTE
JFK takeoff guess ETD
Keanu of film REEVES
Launch platforms PADS
Lay waste to RUIN
Lie in court [5th from the sun] COMMITPERJURY
Like sandals OPENTOE
Clues Answers
Lollapalooza LULU
Long tales SAGAS
LP stat RPM
Made blue SADDENED
Mag workers EDS
Major fuss BIGTODO
Match venue ARENA
McLain of old baseball DENNY
Meeting of Cong SESS
Milk sugar LACTOSE
Mishmash MELANGE
Moon rock source [7th from the sun] LUNARSURFACE
Most dapper NATTIEST
Mrs., in Nice MME
Naval acad. grad ENS
No. in the white pages TEL
Non-Jewish GENTILE
Nonvital body organs SPLEENS
Not be well AIL
Not dirty CLEAN
Not obtuse ACUTE
Not shown, as on TV UNAIRED
Ocean off Ga. and Fla ATL
Odessa loc UKR
One enlisting GIs [1st from the sun] ARMYRECRUITER
One finding something LOCATOR
OS part: Abbr SYS
Part of AFB BASE
People being quizzed TESTEES
Place LAY
Poker style STUD
Pres. initials HST
Prior to, poetically ERE
Projecting crane arm JIB
R&B singer Des'-- REE
Raven's cry CAW
Reach by water, in a way SWIMTO
Result of a minor infraction in hockey [8th from the sun] TWOMINUTEPENALTY
River or lake outing BOATRIDE
Run things RULE
Sand hill DUNE
Scene SITE
Sends in, as payment REMITS
Seth's eldest ENOS
Singer DiFranco ANI
Sioux tribe members OTOS
Skin pigment MELANIN
Smartphone download APP
Some deer ROES
Specks in la Seine ILES
Sprinter, e.g RACER
Stunned with a gun TASED
Sty feed SLOP
Subtle glows AURAS
To a smaller degree LESSSO
To and -- FRO
Tolerate ABIDE
Tourists' aids AREAMAPS
Tranquil SEDATE
Tyke amuser TOY
U.S. architect I.M. -- PEI
Unexpected nice thing [6th from the sun] PLEASANTSURPRISE
Where one lives: Abbr RES
Whitish gem OPAL
Wild hog BOAR
Wine-related prefix OENO
Work site supervisors FOREMEN
Y facilities GYMS

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