Clues | Answers |
'A Mighty Fortress -- God' (hymn) | ISOUR |
'Arabian Nights' hero | ALIBABA |
'Either he goes -- go!' | ORI |
'I'm keeping my eye --!' | ONYOU |
'Inherited or acquired' dichotomy [2nd from the sun] | NATUREVSNURTURE |
'No deal!' | FORGETIT |
'Page Down' user, e.g | SCROLLER |
'Peter Pan' penner | BARRIE |
'Sand' actor Estevez | EMILIO |
'Zip your lip!' | CANIT |
-- -gatherum | OMNIUM |
-- -TURN (street sign) | NOU |
-- Fridays | TGI |
-- gin fizz (cocktail) | RAMOS |
-- Island (old immigration point) | ELLIS |
-- Nevada | SIERRA |
52-Down, e.g.: Abbr | MTN |
A martial art | JUDO |
A, in French | UNE |
Abbr. for those with only one given name | NMI |
About | INRE |
Actor Dane | ERIC |
Additional | ELSE |
Additional examination [3rd from the sun] | FURTHERANALYSIS |
Ancient Indian emperor called 'the Great' | ASHOKA |
Ar-tee linkup | ESS |
Badgers' kin | ERMINES |
Beatified Fr. woman | STE |
Book review? | AUDIT |
Carnivore's intake | MEATDIET |
Colo. clock setting | MST |
Comic Berle | MILTON |
Complacent | SMUG |
Confronted | MET |
Couture magazine | ELLE |
Cozy eatery | CAFE |
Declare | SAY |
Deco artist | ERTE |
Died down | WANED |
Diner dishes | OMELETS |
Don't dissent | AGREE |
Ear-piercing | LOUD |
EIdest Musketeer | ATHOS |
Emperor exiled to Elba | NAPOLEON |
Enthusiast | NUT |
Eve's music | RAP |
Extend (out) | JUT |
Fencing weapons | EPEES |
Fight arbiters | REFS |
Fleur-de-lis | IRIS |
Funicello of film | ANNETTE |
Gabrielle of modeling and volleyball | REECE |
Gain back | RECOUP |
Gain maturity | AGE |
Gen. Robert -- | ELEE |
Get in a trap | ENSNARE |
Gig fraction | BYTE |
Goof up | ERR |
Hall-of-Fame Jets running back [4th from the sun] | CURTISMARTIN |
Hobgoblin | ELF |
Home of Elaine, in Arthurian lore | ASTOLAT |
Infield fly ball | POPUP |
Italian for 'seven' | SETTE |
JFK takeoff guess | ETD |
Keanu of film | REEVES |
Launch platforms | PADS |
Lay waste to | RUIN |
Lie in court [5th from the sun] | COMMITPERJURY |
Like sandals | OPENTOE |
Clues | Answers |
Lollapalooza | LULU |
Long tales | SAGAS |
LP stat | RPM |
Made blue | SADDENED |
Mag workers | EDS |
Major fuss | BIGTODO |
Match venue | ARENA |
McLain of old baseball | DENNY |
Meeting of Cong | SESS |
Milk sugar | LACTOSE |
Mishmash | MELANGE |
Moon rock source [7th from the sun] | LUNARSURFACE |
Most dapper | NATTIEST |
Mrs., in Nice | MME |
Naval acad. grad | ENS |
No. in the white pages | TEL |
Non-Jewish | GENTILE |
Nonvital body organs | SPLEENS |
Not be well | AIL |
Not dirty | CLEAN |
Not obtuse | ACUTE |
Not shown, as on TV | UNAIRED |
Ocean off Ga. and Fla | ATL |
Odessa loc | UKR |
One enlisting GIs [1st from the sun] | ARMYRECRUITER |
One finding something | LOCATOR |
OS part: Abbr | SYS |
Pair | DUET |
Part of AFB | BASE |
People being quizzed | TESTEES |
Place | LAY |
Poker style | STUD |
Pres. initials | HST |
Prior to, poetically | ERE |
Projecting crane arm | JIB |
R&B singer Des'-- | REE |
Raven's cry | CAW |
Reach by water, in a way | SWIMTO |
Result of a minor infraction in hockey [8th from the sun] | TWOMINUTEPENALTY |
River or lake outing | BOATRIDE |
Run things | RULE |
Sand hill | DUNE |
Scene | SITE |
Sends in, as payment | REMITS |
Seth's eldest | ENOS |
Singer DiFranco | ANI |
Sioux tribe members | OTOS |
Skin pigment | MELANIN |
Smartphone download | APP |
Some deer | ROES |
Specks in la Seine | ILES |
Sprinter, e.g | RACER |
Stunned with a gun | TASED |
Sty feed | SLOP |
Subtle glows | AURAS |
To a smaller degree | LESSSO |
To and -- | FRO |
Tolerate | ABIDE |
Tourists' aids | AREAMAPS |
Tranquil | SEDATE |
Tyke amuser | TOY |
U.S. architect I.M. -- | PEI |
Unexpected nice thing [6th from the sun] | PLEASANTSURPRISE |
Various | ASSORTED |
Where one lives: Abbr | RES |
Whitish gem | OPAL |
Wild hog | BOAR |
Wine-related prefix | OENO |
Work site supervisors | FOREMEN |
Y facilities | GYMS |
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