Clues | Answers |
'One point' is constrained to become 'nil' | NOUGHT |
A time to plough up field | AREA |
All I found out about central pin is, it's crooked | ILLEGAL |
Attack only when you say the word | BUTT |
Back-to-back rejections this time | NOON |
Come to find photo frame empty? | SNAPOUTOFIT |
Fights to be let out, imprisoned by lunatic | BATTLES |
Formerly addicted to coke, having kicked all right | ONCE |
Gems -- could be diamonds | TRUMPS |
Is dispirited, having lost nucleus of savings | SAGS |
Is not penniless -- is a catch | HASP |
Ken's delivered from a naysayer | KNOW |
Little beast requires meat: sitter doesn't have it | HAMSTER |
Locate one in heart of West End | SITE |
Mean to be among entrants playing in Open | TRANSPARENT |
Money made from big comeback? | GROSSRETURN |
Nearly catching in button at rear? | CLOSEBEHIND |
Clues | Answers |
No good to cut down on consumption | USELESS |
Not that it's wrong to conceal an aspiration | THIS |
Old soldiers taking part in running event | VETERAN |
One can't catch something in the dispensary | DROPPER |
One has gone through much, to be honest | FAIR |
Only half listen, catching 'One's a predatory female' | LIONESS |
Pugs romping round animal: huge creature | GRAMPUS |
Puts up with restrictive garments | STAYS |
Quickly as stutterer starts answering 'Who wrote 'Hamlet'?' | INTWOSHAKES |
Round, round, round time after time he goes | OTTO |
Sleep is interrupted by one returning: a nuisance | PAIN |
Striving to put through levy, ingeniously | VYING |
The - in dead-wood | DASH |
Unbalanced, rock back | NUTS |
Undo buckles after hard part of hunt | HOUND |
Upside-down sacks used as seat | STOOL |
Within moments, verdict of not guilty? | NOTIMEATALL |
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