Wall Street Journal - Jul 03, 2015 Crossword Puzzle Answer

Wall Street Journal Crossword Puzzle Solution - Jul 03, 2015
Clues Answers
'Awesome!' GREAT
'Being There' director Hal ASHBY
'Get a move on!' HOPTO
'I'm okay with that' SUITSME
'Oliver's Story' author Segal ERICH
'Poppycock!' TOSH
'Roughing It' writer TWAIN
'That ___ say...' ISTO
110-Across tripled NONET
1959 film that won 11 Oscars BENHUR
24-time baseball All-Star MAYS
According to ASPER
Accumulate RACKUP
Ads featuring unsophisticated humor? CORNYPITCHES
Agreeable NICE
Aluminum coin YEN
Before UNTIL
Biplane part STRUT
Bobby-soxer TEENER
Busy person in Apr CPA
California harvest APRICOTS
Came across MET
Camera operators' org ASC
Causes of crashes PANICS
Celeb with her own TV network OPRAH
Challenge for a tailor RIP
Code for the world's busiest airport ATL
Coulomb/second AMPERE
Courses PATHS
Court barrier NET
Creamy appetizer RISOTTO
Currently ASOFNOW
Daisy relative that's completely exhausted? SPENTCHICORY
Dele undoer STET
Designer Mizrahi ISAAC
Diet food adjective LITE
Direct object, generally NOUN
Do something ACT
Doodle Jump, e.g APP
Electrically excitable cells NEURONS
Energy department competition to build green autos ECOCAR
Engine supercharger TURBO
Enjoy the picnic EAT
Excellent hold 'em holding ACES
Eyeglass kit item SCREW
Eyes, slangily PEEPERS
Faced the day AROSE
Feel empathy RELATE
Fighting fleet ARMADA
Fireworks, and an anagram of seven other answers in this puzzle PYROTECHNICS
Firmly established WELLSET
Gaga over INTO
Give an edge HONE
Group with colors GANG
Habitual liars, e.g.? CHRONICTYPES
Haggard book SHE
Hampshire holder STY
Hardly angelic BRATTY
Hardly believable LAME
He has his pride LION
Hero whose mother was Venus AENEAS
Hold to the fire SINGE
Huggies competitor LUVS
Ill-fated flier ICARUS
Kicking around ABUSING
Kim of 'NYPD Blue' DELANEY
Lifter's unit REP
Like some director's cut DVDs UNRATED
Clues Answers
Litigious sort SUER
Litmus reddener ACID
Lyft competitor UBER
Makes a long-distance call YELLS
Mitt's wife ANN
Mongolian word for 'ocean' DALAI
Most miffed SOREST
Mother of Horus ISIS
Muffin morsel OAT
Noted Orient Express passenger POIROT
Office worker TEMP
On delivery? NATAL
Opera star who knows the words before the libretto's written? PSYCHICTENOR
Orbital maxima APOGEES
Part of 67-Down SOONAS
Place for the Boss's band ESTREET
PlayStation producer SONY
Pouch spun by a spider EGGSAC
Prior or Pope POET
Pronto ASAP
Pulp producer HACK
QVC competitor HSN
Reaper's tool SCYTHE
Receive fewer votes LOSE
Reception problem STATIC
Recording studio fee? PRICETOSYNCH
Remote button MUTE
Rosetta Stone vowels IOTAS
Ruffle ANNOY
Rush, e.g TRIO
Satyric sin LUST
Seat, for short USH
Sedated, say ONMEDS
See 10-Down OCK
Set designer's Tony Award? SCENICTROPHY
Six-pack sextet POPTOPS
Spellbound RAPT
Spooky sound from many horror movies? ECHOINCRYPTS
Squid feature TENTACLE
Stack topping SYRUP
Strike with force RAM
Striper, e.g BASS
They may be fragile EGOS
Throw out EVICT
Title treatment: Abbr ITAL
To-do list marking TICK
Told and retold STALE
Tooth that turns COG
Tough's territory TURF
Toyota hybrid PRIUS
Treasure ADORE
Univ. marchers ROTC
Univ. study SCI
Valentine offering ROSE
Velodrome vehicle BIKE
Vintage auto REO
Virginal relatives PIANOS
Walk with attitude SASHAY
Watch boxers, say PETSIT
With 33-Across, 'Spider-Man 2' baddie DOC
Won, for one: Abbr HOM
Zagreb native CROATIAN
Zap with a stun gun TASE
__ avail (fruitless) TONO
___ colada PINA

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