Clues | Answers |
"Ah-oo-gah" horn | KLAXON |
"Are you asleep yet?" response | IMUP |
"Hold on a __" | SEC |
"Poison" plant | SUMAC |
"That never occurred to me" | IHADNOIDEA |
"__ Life to Live" | ONE |
1995 Reform Party founder | PEROT |
Affirmative vote | YEA |
Agile thief | CATBURGLAR |
Ancient invader of Rome | GOTH |
Ancient storyteller | AESOP |
Arctic or Antarctic | OCEAN |
Author Zola | EMILE |
Bash thrower | HOST |
Black-and-white cookies | OREOS |
Clumsy ... or what the ends of 17-, 37- and 42-Across are? | ALLTHUMBS |
Color named for a fruit | LIMEGREEN |
Commendable | PRAISEWORTHY |
Converse competitor | AVIA |
Cornucopia | HORNOFPLENTY |
Dance move | STEP |
Does a farm job | MILKS |
Engrave on glass, say | ETCH |
Eric Stonestreet's "Modern Family" role | CAM |
Fed. agents | GMEN |
Flat-topped hill | MESA |
Forbidden act | NONO |
Gets rid of, as weight | LOSES |
Glazed Easter meats | HAMS |
Go on tiptoe | SNEAK |
Got into shape, with "up" | TONED |
Howls at the moon | BAYS |
Jacob's first wife | LEAH |
Judge's hammer | GAVEL |
Legendary Lady Godiva watcher | PEEPINGTOM |
Lewd material | SMUT |
Like a mosquito bite | ITCHY |
Like an easy job, slangily | CUSH |
Clues | Answers |
Like centerfolds | SEXY |
Makes watertight | SEALS |
Modeler's wood | BALSA |
Moose relative | ELK |
Negative votes | NAYS |
New Zealand fruit | KIWI |
Not tricked by | ONTO |
Oafs | LOUTS |
Out of the wind | ALEE |
Pale as a ghost | ASHY |
Park path | LANE |
Peak | APEX |
Pepsi competitor | RCCOLA |
Prefix with red | INFRA |
Punctuation mark in large numbers | COMMA |
Quick inhalation | GASP |
Red-carpet garment | GOWN |
Running track shape | OVAL |
Scrapbook | ALBUM |
Seaside disaster cause | TIDALWAVE |
Seek the affections of | WOO |
Set aside a day for | PLANON |
Singer Reed | LOU |
Slip past | EVADE |
Soon, quaintly | ANON |
Southern Cal. airport | LAX |
Stiff from horseback riding | SADDLESORE |
Stop producing opportunities, as a financial market | DRYUP |
Supports for sails | MASTS |
Tapped beer holders | KEGS |
Tennis great Lendl | IVAN |
Tyke | TOT |
What a musty room needs | AIRING |
Word before house or plant | POWER |
Yang counterpart | YIN |
Yosemite monolith popular with rock climbers | ELCAPITAN |
__ rally | PEP |
__-Wan Kenobi | OBI |
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