Irish Times (Crosaire) - Jan 12, 2015

 Irish Times (Crosaire) - Jan 12, 2015
Clue Answer
Bailey's, for one, in charge of commission popular with the paper industry ICECREAM
Cast in play produced Tomfoolery ANTICS
Chop up trees in organic compound ESTER
First letters on vehicle identification number has nothing to do with you and me? It's got a lot to do with the drink! VINOUS
First person is doing badly with Violet INDIGO
Hands out drink with hesitation to exclusive circle INNER
Has a sense Oxegen on the radio secures Yes with old arrangements for the Hothouse Flowers perhaps NOSEGAYS
Health charter? CONSTITUTION
Heartbreaking for the French to return finally the best of the vineyard CRUEL
Highlight cheat behind Beatrice BEACON
I heard Cork perhaps is part of one of those natural cover-ups EYELID
Irish love Irish king in teetotaller group to name something to do with the land AGRARIAN
It's recommended - Bill covers face with ponytail ADVISORY
Last rock contract perhaps for Keith Richards ROLLINGSTONE
Clue Answer
Looking back, criticise local Frenchman with gold and silver METALS
Looking back, slow type circles Galway with Oscar to surprise troublemakers HOOLIGANS
Mining for explosive - that's telling it as it is! INFORMING
Nothing to connect half the Scotch to exercise that checks sound equipment OTOSCOPE
Offer only half of it warmly TENDERLY
PS - it's a paper in hospital for consideration! AFTERTHOUGHT
Ran after Troy from Clare in half-conscious state TRANCE
Relax in first-class hotel - one on outskirts of Listowel CHILL
Send over copyright in core arrangement for musical build-up CRESCENDO
Square everything in ship booths STALLS
Square with man working on boat? Satisfied, as tends to go off the handle far too easy! TRIGGERHAPPY
Street in development provides fascination INTEREST
Summon one half of Europe for poetic Muse CALLIOPE
You'd expect a whiff of this when Frank Sinatra was out with the Pack? Suspicious! SMELLARAT

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