The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic - November 24, 2014

 The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic 25952 - November 24, 2014
Clue Answer
A boring cocktail? GIMLET
American programme that won't employ old hands? NEWDEAL
As artist, live amid works RUBENS
Briefly share a sweet HALVA
Didn't manage to cross line, so beaten FLAILED
Examples thus introduced in different ways for analysis ASSAY
Flaw in diamonds: result, one female's off DEFECT
From women's side, one way to cut a flower DISTAFF
Here one must change skirt after only half a season TERMINI
I'm starting, say, to intrude on stars HEREGOES
In bits, still about to hold that function TEAPARTY
Like a mule to be free of germs STERILE
Lilac no good planted in troubled country SYRINGA
Not quite straight as a policy adviser? WONKY
Nurse has not enough energy for progress at work CARER
Clue Answer
On a charge, drunk in port ANCHORAGE
One that won't fight spy making one change and confess COMECLEAN
One way to finger extremists? LUNATICFRINGE
One welcomes receiving post NEWEL
Particular poet's last to come to the fore in film PEDANTIC
Plates, etc, almost hold together Aussie creature that's died out BONECHINA
Play at bones, risking becoming them? DICEWITHDEATH
Potential skipper, originally simply human, scarily changed CHRYSALIS
Pounds being invested, that is by no means the best for industry IDLEST
Rate at first constant later fell CHIDE
Sticker may be mine LIMPET
Supply in condition, I note PROVISION
Take apart an alliance, one near abandoning resistance ANATOMISE
Take for granted missing page in summary RESUME
The joy of bustling city life FELICITY

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