- Nov 27, 2014 - Nov 27, 2014
Clue Answer
$5 bill, informally ABE
''Get lost!'' LETMEBE
''Ils __'' (they are: Fr.) SONT
''See ya!'' TATA
'50s college student fad CARSTUFFING
Allude to CITE
Aquarium attractions WHALES
Bad behavior SIN
Barbarian OGRE
Baseball great Tony GWYNN
Become inedible ROT
Central point NEXUS
Cereal grain RYE
Change slightly TWEAK
Cloth scrap RAG
Commando weapon UZI
Day before a holiday EVE
Den furniture SOFA
Door opener KNOB
DVR button REC
Earth-friendly prefix ECO
Emphatic refusal HECKNO
Eurasian capital ANKARATURKEY
Evergreen tree YEW
Farm pen STY
Flipped out LOSTIT
Foreign-trade diplomat CONSUL
Formal wear, for short TUX
Health club SPA
Hunters' org NRA
Icemen's org NHL
Kind of camera: Abbr SLR
Leaving speechless TONGUETYING
Left in a hurry RAN
List heading TODO
Long South American river ORINOCO
Meal for the humbled CROW
Clue Answer
Miami-to-Orlando dir NNW
Moore health-care documentary SICKO
Nightwear, for short PJS
Noah Webster alma mater YALE
Object of devotion IDOL
Old Testament prophet ELIJAH
Opposing vote NAY
Paddy product RICE
Pen holder, perhaps POCKET
People from Kirkuk IRAQIS
Person with wings AVIATOR
Piquant ZINGY
Pomegranate part RIND
Popeye declaration IYAMWHATIYAM
Port near Monte Vesuvio NAPOLI
Predicaments SCRAPES
Queen of Olympus HERA
Rapping sounds RATATATS
Ready to proceed SET
Reclusive Garbo GRETA
Scented like cones PINY
Shampoo additive ALOE
Shape of a Louvre entrance PYRAMID
Small band DUO
Some AMA members GPS
Sound of a sigh AAH
Spending limit CAP
Summit meeting site of '45 POTSDAM
Super Bowl stats TDS
Touch upon ABUT
Transpire HAPPEN
Two-part DUAL
Used a trowel DUG
Variety SORT
Wastes of money RIPOFFS
Weekend college event ROCKCONCERT
Where Microsoft trades NASDAQ
Zodiac animal RAM
__ de toilette EAU

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