Crossword Answers - Apr 27, 2014 Crossword Solutions - Apr 27, 2014
Clue Answer
''2 Broke Girls'' airer CBS
''Bus Stop'' playwright INGE
''Certainement!'' OUI
''Glamour'' rival ELLE
''Groundhog Day'' director RAMIS
''Looks like trouble'' UHOH
''The King and I'' setting SIAM
''When __ Be Loved'' (Ronstadt tune) WILLI
11th-century explorer LEIFERICSON
71 Down structure OILRIG
Actor __ Patrick Harris NEIL
Actress Woodard ALFRE
Advent DAWN
Aesopian insect ANT
Amount bet STAKE
Ancient history PAST
Answer at the door ITSME
Append, as a signature AFFIX
Append, as a signature INK
As bad as can be WORST
Assistance AID
Attends GOESTO
Audible SONIC
Awaken rudely ROUST
Ballet dress TUTU
Band boosters AMPS
Banned thing NONO
Bearlike URSINE
Bell sound KNELL
Bout ender TKO
Cognizant of ONTO
Conversation filler ISEE
Dashboard meas RPM
Diamonds, for instance SUIT
Discount event SALE
Disney head IGER
Eccentric SPACY
Edie of ''The Sopranos'' FALCO
Elk and caribou DEERS
End of Horner's boast AMI
European capital SOFIA
Fails to be ISNT
Feathered talker MYNAH
Feline feet PAWS
Figures of speech METAPHORS
Final authority SAYSO
Friendly ''hombre'' AMIGO
From Utrecht DUTCH
Future litigator's study PRELAW
German auto AUDI
German auto OPEL
Get comfy SIT
Gloomy Gus MOPER
Gradual loss DECLINE
Graduate degs MAS
Hairdresser concern SCALP
Hairpin curves ESSES
Half of UV ULTRA
Heavy volumes TOMES
Hemispherical fastener CAPNUT
Honor, on a diploma LAUDE
How contracts are signed INPEN
Hunting dog SALUKI
Individuals ONES
Intense language course FRENCHIMMERSION
Intervals before bills are due CREDITPERIODS
Invitation abbreviation BYOB
Invoice stamp PAID
Irish county CLARE
Jeter of baseball DEREK
Kumquat, for instance CITRUS
Least likely to bully MEEKEST
Luggage label IDTAG
Marquee names STARS
Math proportion RATIO
Melts together FUSES
Mexican mme SRA
Morning TV talk host RIPA
Most convenient RIGHT
Most prompt SPEEDIEST
New European Union member CROATIA
New York city UTICA
Nile queen, for short CLEO
Not worth __ (valueless) ACENT
Numbered hwys RTES
NYSE listings COS
Ohio city XENIA
One seen in the mirror YOU
Operating USING
Orbit point closest to the sun PERIHELION
Pampering, for short TLC
Parliamentary vote AYE
Photographer Leibovitz ANNIE
Polo participant HORSE
Pool tool STICK
Pop singer Abdul PAULA
Quilt filling EIDER
Rain remover WIPER
Really, really like ADORE
Riviera resort NICE
Role model IDOL
Romanian dramatist IONESCO
Roundup remark MOO
Seated Beatle STARR
Seek help on the road GETDIRECTIONS
Send forth EMIT
Singer of the ''Titanic'' theme CELINEDION
Smeltery product REFINEDIRON
Soaps actress Slezak ERIKA
Some Pulitzer winners POETS
Some sedans and scooters HONDAS
Sooner State city TULSA
Spanish king REY
Spare time LEISURE
Stallion stopper WHOA
Stepped down ALIT
Strong suit ARMOR
Strong suit, slangily BAG
Sudden fright SCARE
Suffix for prosper OUS
Summer zodiac sign LEO
Surfing mecca MALIBU
Tall tale YARN
Tax deferral plans IRAS
Teamwork obstacle EGO
Timbuktu's country MALI
Time of the mammoths ICEAGE
Tomato, botanically BERRY
Too confident SMUG
Toto's home KANSAS
Two performers DUO
University of Oregon site EUGENE
Wait patiently BIDE
Wall St. news LBOS
Was ripped TORE
Water down DILUTE
Went back to work RESUMED
What the eight long answers have in common EIEIO
Whistle insert PEA
Young toon explorer DORA
__ Baba ALI
__-jongg MAH

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