The Guardian - Cryptic - August 30 2017 Crossword Puzzle Answers

The Guardian - Cryptic crossword No 27,290 - Aug 30 2017 Crossword Puzzle Answers
Actor extracting copper from a lot of salad ingredients served with ham and hollandaise sauce?BENEDICT
Article inaccurate I alter, do I?EDITORIAL
As a crossword is finished, well-informedCLUEDUP
Asian leader, man in vessel from the EastNEHRU
Capital quiet, after endless cheers on Japanese bordersSKOPJE
Cow, like her mate?BULLY
Draw in game set to changeMAGNETISE
Drive crooked mile around PeterheadIMPEL
Ear to brain, extraordin­ary lapseABERRATION
First two of seven different punches — that will teach you!SOTHERE
Flower of Lancashire and Yorkshire neither red nor white?ROSE
Issue driven by these gambles, modest cut investedPUSHY
Look for New York to contain a countering team from that city?YANKEES
Misery, western and Aliens — nothing between themWETBLANKET
One group breaking record that's nuttyNOISETTE
Pat on the back far from rare?WELL
Plane perhaps hijacked by buccaneer, turning backTREE
Planet clearly illuminated using iron and leadEVENINGSTAR
Prisoner at first notably distressed to be incarcerated in old area of punishment?PENALTYBOX
Ridge on course to lose a 21SCOTSPINE
Secret society's opening, they carelessly having hidden keySTEALTHY
See 12DONE
Sky put article in text of news storyCANOPY
Support figure going over testament, as advocatePROPONENT
Those partial to chicken and chips in for unsightly fat!DOUBLECHIN
UN secretary-general in truth anti-imperialistUTHANT
Unlikely to fill empty seats in part of the theatreSTALLS
Vegetarian diet under microscope, initiallyMEATLESS

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