New York Times - August 31 2017 Thursday Crossword Puzzle Answers

New York Times Crossword Puzzle Solutions - Aug 31 2017 Thursday 
___ TombLENINS
2Shelter stafferGROOMER
Alison Bechdel memoir made into a hit 2015 Broadway musicalFUNHOME
Alternative to "..."ETC
Alternative to a gunTASER
Artist LeRoyNEIMAN
Author who did part of his work on FridayDEFOE
Automaker whose current models all end in "X"ACURA
Base fig.NCO
Business add-on?INC
Cannabis, e.g.HERB
Capital on an Asian peninsulaANKARA
Certain whistle blowerREF
City with a famous bell towerPISA
Common email attachmentPDF
Conjunction in a rebus puzzleOAR
Consumer's boonSALE
Extra cost for an airline passengerPET
F.B.I. agent, informallyGMAN
F.D.R.-created program with the slogan "We Do Our Part"NRA
First lady with a popular recipe for "million-dollar fudge"MAMIE
Fish ___FRY
Gavin of "The Love Boat"MACLEOD
High-quality cottonPIMA
Holder of the Obama cabinetERIC
How ___ Your MotherIMET
Jack who was quick with a quipPAAR
Japanese style of chickenYAKITORI
Jobs once in CaliforniaSTEVE
Kicker's targetGOALPOST
King in "The Tempest"ALONSO
Kylo ___ of "The Force Awakens"REN
Like most of MaineRURAL
Like some cellarsDANK
Locale of hostile criticism, metaphoricallyLIONSDEN
Luxuries for theatergoersBOXSEATS
Make outNECK
Material for Icarus' wingsWAX
Material used in mummificationRESIN
Microsoft offeringEXCEL
Mitt Romney's wifeANN
Music for Airports composerENO
Need for drugsFDAAPPROVAL
Not a good examplePOOREXCUSE
Odd group of musicians?NONET
Palm ___OIL
Parabolic, e.g.ARCED
Pilot's surroundingsGASOVEN
Popular drinkOVALTINE
Quick breakCATNAP
Rapper who famously feuded with Jay-ZNAS
Rehm of public radioDIANE
Saddle accessoriesPADS
School founded by Henry VIETON
See 31-AcrossOFFICE
Shift+5 on a keyboardPERCENT
Situation with equal losses and gainsWASH
Sneakily advance from thirdSTEALHOME
Soccer star Chastain with two Olympic gold medalsBRANDI
Taking the place (of)INLIEU
The King of FootballPELE
The Lord of the Rings figureELF
This puzzle is relatively easy, sayLIE
Transporter with sliding doorsBOXCAR
What a Mobius strip lacksEND
With 44-Across, V.I.P. area represented four times in this puzzleCORNER
Without modificationASIS

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