Irish Times (Simplex) - August 31 2017 Crossword Puzzle Answers

Irish Times (Simplex) Crossword Puzzle Solutions - Aug 31 2017 
Action to gain attention, sometimes dangerousSTUNT
Adjacent toBESIDE
As a general ruleNORMALLY
Book of maps or chartsATLAS
Booted out of officeOUSTED
Branch of the security forcesPOLICE
Clapping in approvalAPPLAUSE
Containers to hold magnetic tapeCASSETTES
Crown all in the English county, strangelyCORNWALL
Dramatic divisionsSCENES
Extol, laudPRAISE
Genuine, not a copyAUTHENTIC
In what way?HOW
It's said to be our wealthHEALTH
Japanese form of ritual suicideHARAKIRI
Look through in a random way, a bookshop perhapsBROWSE
Lower digitTOE
Lower jointANKLE
Make hygienic, steriliseSANITISE
Male felineTOM
Mark a scale to use in taking readingsCALIBRATE
Old two-bob bitFLORIN
Oversee, monitorSUPERVISE
Perception by eyeVISION
Rocky heightTOR
Show a responseREACT
Show offBOAST
Softly, in musicPIANO
Stares oddly at the flowersASTERS
Suffering, privationHARDSHIP
Take a riskGAMBLE
Take on as one's ownADOPT
Thick, impenetrableDENSE

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