Irish Times (Crosaire) - Aug 31 2017 Crossword Puzzle Answers

Irish Times (Crosaire) Crossword Puzzle Solutions - Aug 31 2017 
Agricultural type of loud music coming from extension with full houseFARMHAND
Cancel review by court on the moneyEXACT
Car comes back in fog along the road for some distance in AmericaMILEPOST
Clearance for ferry launch with the really high-flyersSPACESHUTTLE
Combats what's presumably coming out of military maternity hospitalARMYISSUE
Comedian on drugs painted a picture and took it backWITHDREW
Couple of beastly figures up north capable of getting away with murderASSASSIN
Cover job for journalist under the influence?PLASTERED
Devouring without vine fruitGOURD
End VAT problem before ChristmasADVENT
Everyone uses them when posting statues regarding Trump's extremesSTAMPS
Flooding on the course by the 19th, for exampleWATERINGHOLE
Golfer's tops not endorsing Asian old capitalGUINEA
Had a humorous reaction to cast left with writerCHUCKLED
Heard luck was turning, as can be up and downSEESAW
Is it better to rise up or fall?SUPERIOR
It's okay for crazy ref in stride with blank expressionPOKERFACE
It's pricey for the French court in the long run for those wishing to take a gambleSTEEPLECHASE
Jaguar cat in ground coverCARPET
Person having fling is always acting the maggot perhapsTYPECAST
Plays a tune by most of Them written by musician from Yes - it's a treatment synonymous with Ray'sRADIOTHERAPY
Smashed on glue - you might get a stretch for that?LOUNGE
Some Chelsea geriatric is as keen as mustardEAGER
Sounds like what theatregoer is looking for from stoicismPATIENCE
Took off Frenchman designing code over the weekendMOCKED
Trendy place for computer figuresINPUT
Turns up, Oriental can get soldier to table support for those in the arsenalGELIGNITE
Untidy mess can be seen at the end of The StripNUDITY

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