USA Today - Mar 2 2022 Crossword Puzzle Solutions

 USA Today - Mar 2 2022 Crossword Answers

'How ___ you doing today?'ARE
'I Am Love' actress SwintonTILDA
'Paws off my kibble!'GRR
'Song From the Uproar' is oneOPERA
'That was so long ___'AGO
'Up Late' singer LennoxARI
'Yeah, I get that ___'ALOT
'___ Just Not That Into You'HES
3:1, for exampleRATIO
Adaptive clothing fastenerVELCROSTRAP
App bug reporterUSER
Back of a pickup truckBED
Bird associated with ThothIBIS
Bothered persistentlyATEAT
Brief time periodsMOMENTS
Calculate a sumADD
Capital city with a Maasai nameNAIROBI
Cardigan or teeTOP
Coming of ___AGE
Competed in a heatRACED
Dairy farm soundMOO
Deli meat named for an Italian cityBOLOGNA
End of a corp. nameINC
Exercise practiced on matsPILATES
Extends a contractREUPS
Fergus, Farkle or Felicia, e.gOGRE
First-string squadATEAM
French for 'love'AMOUR
Furious lookGLARE
Garments for ancient Roman senatorsTOGAS
Gazpacho or minestrone, for exampleVEGETABLESOUP
Gets underwaySTARTS
H.S. exams for college creditAPTESTS
Helps with wrongdoingABETS
Initial poker stakeANTE
Item of valueASSET
Like Shinkansen trainsFAST
Liquors used in Singapore slingsGINS
Lobster hoop attachmentNET
Made certainENSURED
MLK, Malcolm X and James Baldwin, in 'The Three Mothers'SONS
or - particleION
Origin stories, for exampleLORE
Oxblood or rubyDEEPRED
Part of a playACT
Perform miserablySTINK
Pods paired well with nattoOKRA
Radiology scanMRI
Reason to eraseERROR
Replies to a party hostRSVPS
Scanner brandEPSON
Self-gratifying activityEGOTRIP
Send forthEMIT
Spanish snackTAPA
Spiteful rumorsVICIOUSGOSSIP
State out loudVOICE
Stood out favorablySHONE
Streaming delayLAG
Surface resurfaced by a ZamboniICE
Tartar sauce ingredientCAPER
Team sport with mounted umpiresPOLO
Telescope sightSTAR
Timeline sectionsERAS
Top-flight inviteesALIST
Totally enthralledRAPT
Two-door vehicleCOUPE
Verbs have themTENSES
Word before a maiden nameNEE
Yuzu partsRINDS
___ capita incomePER
___ dish (lab container)PETRI
___ RicanCOSTA
___ Thai (rice noodle dish)PAD

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