New York Times Saturday May 8 2021 Crossword Solutions

 New York Times, Saturday, May 8, 2021 Crossword Answers 

'How adorable!'AWSOCUTE
'I'm right here'AHEM
'Marriage Story' Oscar winnerDERN
'Wall Street' catchphraseGREEDISGOOD
Accept the blame forOWN
Actress Shields, mother of BrookeTERI
Annual genre writing awardAGATHA
Archery needAIM
Be in the worksBREW
Business lettersLTD
Calculator button next to cosSIN
Camper's gear chainREI
Celebrity portmanteau beginning in 2012KIMYE
Cheap cab, perhapsHOUSERED
Club typeIRON
Common complex ruleNOPETS
Composition testASSAY
Correction for a wild pitchAUTOTUNE
Day to post a throwback picture on social media: AbbrTHU
Dumpster fireHOTMESS
Easy friendlinessBONHOMIE
Get too oldAGEOUT
Goes on a dinner date, e.gEATSOUT
Grocery store found in Michigan?IGA
III, e.g., in 'Richard III'ACT
Impertinent sortSNIP
Irish name that's a Slavic name backwardAIDAN
It becomes another question when its first letter is moved to the endWHO
It can lay a one-and-a-half-pound eggEMU
It involves much ear-tugging and head-shakingCHARADES
Just a bitATOM
Kind of trip taken soloEGO
Lead-in to stars or daylightSEE
Like some unpleasant commentsSNARKY
Like the last in a lineNTH
More than suspicious ofONTO
Noodle dish whose name indicates its cuisinePADTHAI
Notable examples of crossing a line, in briefTDS
Number of days it takes Mercury to orbit the sunEIGHTYEIGHT
Once-in-a-lifetime eventsBIRTHS
One stoner to anotherDUDE
Org. with an annual Codebreaker ChallengeNSA
Perfumery compoundESTER
Pete Buttigieg's home state: AbbrIND
Pumbaa's friend in 'The Lion King'TIMON
Ring in the holiday spirit?WREATH
Satisfied sighAAH
Soft, green foodMASHEDPEAS
Sorority letterRHO
Supreme court member?NBAALLSTAR
The old you?THOU
They may be used in a pinchHERBS
Throw (together)SLAP
Turn right, sayTIGHTEN
Utah's 'Industry,' e.gMOTTO
Walt Whitman wrote one beginning 'Lo, 'tis autumn'SESTET
Was up, in a senseBATTED
What a nod might meanIGETIT
What a shrug might meanNOMATTER
Words after 'The end'?NIGHTYNIGHT
Years ___AGO
___ bowlACAI

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