L.A. Times Daily Tuesday May 4 2021 Crossword Answers

 L.A. Times Daily - May 4 2021 Tuesday Crossword Answers

"Breaking news!" teaserFILMATELEVEN
"http" often begins oneURL
"Let me explain ... "IMEAN
"You bet!"SUREDO
Abdomen neighborGROIN
Aid for shade at the shoreBEACHUMBRELLA
Area sheltered from the windLEESIDE
At one's __ and callBECK
Award first won by Naughty by NatureBESTRAPALBUM
Barry, Robin or Maurice of pop musicGIBB
Biblical word of possessionHATH
Cake's instruction to AliceEATME
Chain with linksIHOP
Col. headings on many spreadsheetsQTYS
Deficiency of red blood cells, across the pondANAEMIA
Dressed like many Union soldiersINBLUE
Email filter targetSPAM
Evidence of an errorERASURE
Facebook invite ... to which the circled letters respondFRIENDREQUEST
Farm milk "dispenser"UDDER
Forearm boneULNA
Former weekly with home viewing listingsTVGUIDE
Friendly femmeAMIE
Generation divideGAP
Giza's riverNILE
Glossy cottonsSATEENS
Had a hankeringYEARNED
Handyman's carryallTOOLBOX
Hat similar to a fezTARBOOSH
Hit the jackpotGETRICH
Humorist MortSAHL
Iris layerUVEA
Jefferson's vice presidentBURR
Judoka's beltOBI
LA-to-Denver dirENE
Laredo's stateTEXAS
Malt drink since 1904OVALTINE
Mass leaderPRIEST
Mink wrapsSTOLES
Minstrel's stringsLUTE
Most of Google's revenueADSALES
News agcyUPI
Newspaper mediaPRESS
Newsroom staff members, for shortEDS
Nine-digit IDSSN
Norwegian pop band that sounds like a revelationAHA
Note above ABFLAT
One with faulty "I" sight?EGOTIST
Pac-Man ghostINKY
Parisian articleLES
Pasta specificationALDENTE
Pool hall triangleRACK
Pool sticksCUES
Prez's titleCINC
Prominent garlic featureODOR
Proof of purchaseRECEIPT
Raised, as cattleBRED
Rx itemMED
Scrooge's cryBAH
Seehorn of "Better Call Saul"RHEA
Sired, biblicallyBEGAT
Symbol on the "5" keyPERCENT
Tries to hit, as a rifle range targetFIRESAT
Verizon's bizTELECOM
Washer cycleSPIN
Word before check or forestRAIN
__ moonFULL

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