Irish Times (Crosaire) - Sep 19 2020 Crossword Puzzle Solutions

 Irish Times (Crosaire) Puzzle - September 19 2020 Crossword Answers

33 down turns it around at the speed of light out of belief presumably?HERETIC
A mistake defending bad actor from old Irish charactersOGHAM
A stumbling block with first barrel - there's no head on the porterBARRIER
As a result of the extremes of Thales of MiletusTHUS
Banks increasing returns for the localsINNS
Beat produced by one of those on the hill overlooking riverDRUB
Berlin put out by olive branch that leads to anything but peaceHAVOC
Boss goes around in reversible duffle coatsSTUD
Bridewell releases rebel - how foolish is that?WILD
Concealed beyond a doubt what divides upright types in The HouseDADO
Corner for Oriental good books and musicENTRAP
Cultural organisation welcomes leaders of musical band in part of AfricaGAMBIA
Film unit captures leaders of mutiny orchestrating democratic reformREMODEL
Giving them a kennel as a fair amount of the dogs go astray at midnightHOUSING
Grave speech by Leo, Guy, RockyEULOGY
Gustave Eiffel - he'd expect you to open your mouth and show him you have teeth?BRIDGEBUILDER
Hound flighty type after bad startBEAGLE
Is that a ploy of Magi out around Bethlehem primarily close to desert?GAMBIT
Isn't abandoning syndicate to go offDECAY
It's a link on the sides of current gridBRIDGE
It's important to BB King? Every second!BIG
Ivory nuts growing around church opening on a colonyVICEROY
Marsh ran away from BroganBOG
Mobile device around the back of the parliament cleared The HouseEVICTED
Most of the terrain is uphill, endlessly rough and leads to fatigueLANGUOR
Noises coming from confessional produced by high-flyerFALCON
Prepares the musicians for the return of the original material as one covers The River trackBRIDGEPASSAGE
Recalls some characters from theatre rehearsals presentHERE
Retweet is a small measure to get youth at The Centre to get up againREMOUNT
Rule out drawLURE
Samuel Beckett, for one, has nothing to do with loud moans witnessed way over on a tour of VeniceBRIDGEOFSIGHS
Stein and Byron ignored by moneygrubberBEERMUG
Stringer's leaving Saint Petersburg - that sounds optimistic?UPBEAT
Supplies what's lacking to link Saint Guy to GulfBRIDGESTHEGAP
Team from Dublin national school is absent in the Czech RepublicBOHEMIA
The swingers are looking for it, of course, in PressPIN
Type of wine with balance, medium-bodied finish? A divine legendary type synonymous with oak!DRYAD
Uplifting part of Bright Eyes neverthelessYET

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