The Times - Cryptic - July 30 2020 Crossword Puzzle Solutions

The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic No 27730
American can celebrate with an encoresing sing
Be specific about sabbatical?spell out
British actor recalled ladies inside hotel, not outsideOTOOLE
Capital hotel: what every pop star wants?HANOI
Cheers a tallish monk in, wildlythanks a million
City jobs bank has periodically cutOSAKA
Climbing holiday at end of term for ancient art master?CAVEMAN
Disappointing outcome that must hold little girl backno joy
Eggs sent up: not exactly party foodAVOCADO
Feel being outside on vacation usually means stay at campsiteguy rope
Flyer found in grate, next to something blackNIGHTJAR
For which very long-term use results ultimately in wear and tear, sayRHYMES
Heading north, go round quite posh Scottish townULLAPOOL
Jack and I getting sticks out as shield, united in self-defenceJUJITSU
Judge comes across cases familiar to Scandinavians?FJORDS
Link we're to follow? There's no timeNEXUS
Method of counting back only partially useful at courtOCTAL
National symbol, not that large, wrapped in noteTHISTLE
Not right when there's sauce for Cockney to go after sandwichesUNJUST
Offer made by barman in dramshop eagerly?like a shot
Old satirist, easily bribed, going to jail brieflyJUVENAL
Racing employee across lake, go directstable lad
Rock group backed number selected to play new recording?REMIX
Schedule one can track after timeITINERARY
Too keen on profit, barristers generally admittedinto the bargain
Traveller left in vessel __ set out earlyPREPLAN
Trots out to lunch?loony left
Very full of cracks, is jet ok to fly?JOKIEST
Work your English electrical engineer secures after a monthjane eyre
World of Don, Adam, Erica, somehow not close to sisterACADEMIA
The Times - Cryptic - Times Quick Cryptic No 1668
Acting out lies deviously with hand signals?GESTICULATION
Apples, pears, etc. cut by half with girl anxious to avoid waste?FRUGAL
Fellow providing towelling materialTERRY
Final word in notice that is at front of universityADIEU
Form of hostility that never heats up?cold war
Fruit in vessel, a lot getting mixed upCANTALOUP
Head off as an animal doctor, crossing riverAVERT
King meets honoured people in ceremonial garbROBES
Labelled with year? That's old-fashionedDATED
Little devil wandering around, making progressIMPROVING
Managed to curtail rowRAN
Name of man in telephone directoryNED
Old lover with trick said to do wellEXCEL
Old trade union to celebrate caring professionNURSING
One pal cheesed off said nothingheld ones peace
One part of body or another in which gun is deviously hiddenTONGUE
Performing on stage with a common plan?in concert
Please get her to translate this minimalist languageTELEGRAPHESE
Put up with deed that keeps church quietACCEPT
Secret arena newly built to accommodate a hundredARCANE
Sign to precede terrible rain? I may help you find the literatureLIBRARIAN
Student, I ne'er worked, being not botheredUNINTERESTED
Witnessed something in the woodshed?SAW
You will get a positive responseYEA

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