Premier Sunday - King Feature Syndicate - April 1 2018 Crossword Puzzle Answers

Premier Sunday - King Feature Syndicate Crossword Puzzle Solutions - Apr 1 2018 
Clues Answers
__ be a real shame if ...' ITD
__ for All Seasons' AMAN
__ gratia artis' (MGM motto) ARS
... Mac __ PC?' ORA
A Bell for __' (1944 novel) ADANO
'D.O.A.' star O'Brien EDMOND
'Nay' sayer ANTI
'No way!,' in a text OMG
'Waterloo' pop group ABBA
__ -Caps (candy) SNO
__ -Saxon ANGLO
__ acids AMINO
__ as it is SUCH
__ Bubba (bubble gum brand) HUBBA
__ gestae (deeds) RES
Actor Butterfield ASA
Actor Glass RON
African plain SAVANNA
Agitate SHAKE
Air traveler FLIER
Apt occasion for this puzzle's theme APRILFOOLSDAY
Artist Paul KLEE
As a matter of routine PROFORMA
Athenian marketplace AGORA
Bialy, e.g ROLL
Brow shape ARCH
Busy bugs ANTS
Cajun cooking pod OKRA
Calc prereq TRIG
Canine coat FUR, OLLA
Class whose students might cook HOMEEC
Comic actor Seth ROGEN
Coral reef ATOLL
Crimson or ruby REDS
Cutty __ (clipper ship) SARK
Delighted GLAD
Desk tray for to-be-sent documents OUTBASKET
Direction opposite sud NORD
Drawn tight TAUT
Easy two-pointer TIPIN
Equine beast of burden ASS
Eye lustfully OGLE
Flee hastily RUNOFF, LAM
Frank holder BUN
Free speech org ACLU
Garden tool TROWEL
Gas station fill-up amount TANKFUL
Georgia city MACON
Gerund, e.g NOUN
Give a new look to RESTYLE
Give up, as territory CEDE
Go upward RISE
High degree NTH
Hoagie ingredient SALAMI
Holds dear ADORES
Holler YELL
Home of St. Louis MISSOURI
Insincerely eloquent GLIB
Inventor Howe ELIAS
Iraq export OIL
It follows chi PSI
Jacuzzi sites SPAS
Joanne of 'Red River' DRU
Kind of sock ANKLET
Lamb serving LEGOFMUTTON
Lead-in to fix PRE
Lentil, e.g SEED, LEGUME
Light beige ECRU
Like a scary ride in a vehicle WHITEKNUCKLE
Like green bananas UNRIPE
Little chore ERRAND
Lustful god EROS
Major melee RIOT
Marvy FAB
Maze route PATH
Melodic, musically ARIOSO
Mesozoic __ ERA
Mink relative OTTER
Moe, for one STOOGE
Mogadishu native SOMALIAN
Mu __ beef SHU
Nasty whales ORCAS
New England soup CLAMCHOWDER
Not-quite-identifiable cafeteria food MYSTERYMEAT
Notion, to Pierre IDEE
On the house FREE
Paltry MERE
Part of n/a NOT
Pepsi rival COKE
Pew or sofa SEAT
Post-op site ICU
Pro-gun gp NRA
Put in a hold STOW
Quail flock BEVY
Quality of 2% milk, say REDUCEDFAT
Ranch group HERD
Range ropes LASSOS
Replaced the inner layer of RELINED
Rowing tool OAR
Russian autocrat TSAR
School org NEA
See 84-Across EYED
Shelley work ODE
Ship's record LOG
Singer Cleo LAINE
Single-named male model FABIO
Siouan speaker OTO
Snoozefest BORE
Son of Poseidon TRITON
Space balls ORBS
Stadium cheers RAHS
Styling goo GEL
Sweet treats CANDY
Taj Mahal's city AGRA
Take for granted PRESUME
Tesla CEO Musk ELON
Test-marking teacher, e.g GRADER
They follow rhos SIGMAS
Tiny neighbor of France ANDORRA
Tip, as a hat DOFF
Totally tidy NEATASAPIN
Touched up, as text EMENDED
Trellis strip LATH
Water, to Yvette EAU
Where a company's leaders meet BOARDROOM
Winds down ENDS
Wine holders CASKS
With 120-Down, like Siamese cats or Frank Sinatra BLUE
Witty adage EPIGRAM
Won gold or silver MEDALED
Word before while ERST
Word that can follow the ends of 23-, 35-, 38-, 53-, 73-, 89-, 106- and 108-Across HEAD
Writer Sholem ASCH

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