- March 31 2018 Crossword Puzzle Answers  Crossword Puzzle Solutions - Mar 31 2018
''Food, __'' (agribusiness documentary)INC
2017 appointee as CIA DirectorPOMPEO
Agua que fluyeRIO
Annual ''Heroes'' tribute airerCNN
Arctic climatologist's measureICEMELT
Captivated (by)SWEPTUP
Carnival rideOCEANLINER
Chainsaw soundRRR
County adjoining MayoSLIGO
Crazy Eights variantUNO
De bonne humeurGAI
Designer with feathersPLUMASSIER
Disneyland yellow meetable characterPOOH
Either Cinématographe inventorLUMIERE
Eleanor Roosevelt's childhood nicknameNELL
Eligibility criterion, at timesAGE
Elliptical ornament, in architectureOVUM
Ersatz poster adhesiveTOOTHPASTE
Evince amusementYUK
Experiment, with ''around''NOODLE
Falsetto monster of TVELMO
Garage deviceGREASEGUN
Greek region including SpartaLACONIA
Green salad ingredientKIWIFRUIT
Group supporting Smokey BearFORESTERS
Its website has an automated Skin AdvisorOLAY
Japanese green liqueurMIDORI
Latin American capitalPESO
London's Wimbledon Pk. or WaterlooSTA
Lose fervor forTIREOF
Mag once awarding Independent Press AwardsUTNE
Mediator's challengeIMPASSE
Mont-__-Anne (Canadian resort)STE
Much past unpalatableDISGUSTING
Number in bracketsTAXRATE
Nuns permitted out of the cloisterEXTERNS
Offer long, flowery descriptionsWAXPOETIC
Old recorder of beastly behaviorAESOP
Onetime communications giantITT
Othello assistantCASSIO
Painter's canvasTARP
Plays, as an autoharpSTRUMS
Plot with a legendGRAPH
Prepare to pour from, perhapsUNCAP
Ration in packets: AbbrMRE
Renoir, to DegasAMI
Sari cousinTOGA
Sch. yearbook sectionORGS
Screenplay's starting pointPREMISE
Seat whose sitters sit back-to-backDOSADOS
Shake on it, sayCOMMIT
Some 26 Across, for shortDETS
Source of ancient spun fibersHEMP
Spa procedurePEEL
Squeeze (from)EXTORT
Take inSEE
Takes a hikeHOOFSIT
Tennis center?SWEETSPOT
Training vehicleSEMINAR
Typical protractorSEMICIRCLE
Urban officersSARGES
What Mexicans call the USELNORTE
Whence many red-eyes depart, for shortCALI

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