Irish Times (Simplex) - July 2 2016 Crossword Puzzle Answer

Irish Times (Simplex) Crossword Puzzle Solution - July 2 2016

Alluding, bringing up REFERRING
Appears like RESEMBLES
Atrocious, awful DREADFUL
Blockhead, bonehead NUMBSKULL
Brand new, just out LATEST
Business that conducts business on behalf of another AGENCY
Commend, laud PRAISE
Complete, absolute UTTER
Correct, precise ACCURATE
Cross-beams on rail tracks SLEEPERS
Deduces, concludes INFERS
Drink alcohol IMBIBE
Evident or seeming to be APPARENT
Except on condition that UNLESS
Fill a position or reside OCCUPY
First settlers PIONEERS
Formerly used in Turkey and Egypt as a courtesy title BEY
Clues Answers
Four-legged reptile LIZARD
From little acorns does it grow OAK
It;s made from grinding cereal grain FLOUR
Making an effort TRYING
Man-made water-jet FOUNTAIN
Mistake ERROR
Motto, watchword SLOGAN
NFL championship game in the US SUPERBOWL
Old-style cooking stove RANGE
Organ of sight EYE
Proportion of one thing to another RATIO
Small fight about a small fragment? SCRAP
Strong cords ROPES
Sudden apprehension and fear ALARM
The concluding part of a performance FINALE
Tiger Mae has gone abroad to live, oddly EMIGRATE
Tool for cutting, chopping AXE
Without let or hindrance FREELY

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