Answers | |
Alluding, bringing up | REFERRING |
Amicable | FRIENDLY |
Appears like | RESEMBLES |
Atrocious, awful | DREADFUL |
Blockhead, bonehead | NUMBSKULL |
Brand new, just out | LATEST |
Business that conducts business on behalf of another | AGENCY |
Commend, laud | PRAISE |
Complete, absolute | UTTER |
Correct, precise | ACCURATE |
Cross-beams on rail tracks | SLEEPERS |
Deduces, concludes | INFERS |
Drink alcohol | IMBIBE |
Evident or seeming to be | APPARENT |
Except on condition that | UNLESS |
Fill a position or reside | OCCUPY |
First settlers | PIONEERS |
Formerly used in Turkey and Egypt as a courtesy title | BEY |
Clues | Answers |
Four-legged reptile | LIZARD |
From little acorns does it grow | OAK |
It;s made from grinding cereal grain | FLOUR |
Making an effort | TRYING |
Man-made water-jet | FOUNTAIN |
Mistake | ERROR |
Motto, watchword | SLOGAN |
NFL championship game in the US | SUPERBOWL |
Old-style cooking stove | RANGE |
Organ of sight | EYE |
Proportion of one thing to another | RATIO |
Small fight about a small fragment? | SCRAP |
Strong cords | ROPES |
Sudden apprehension and fear | ALARM |
The concluding part of a performance | FINALE |
Tiger Mae has gone abroad to live, oddly | EMIGRATE |
Tool for cutting, chopping | AXE |
Without let or hindrance | FREELY |
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