L.A. Times Daily - Apr 01, 2015 Crossword Puzzle Answer

L.A. Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Solution - Apr 01, 2015
Clues Answers
"A __ for Emily": Faulkner short story ROSE
"Goodness gracious" OHDEAR
"I have the worst luck!" POORME
"Iliad" deity ARES
"Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening" rhyme scheme AABA
201, on a monument CCI
Actress Kaczmarek with seven Emmy nominations JANE
Add to a scrapbook, say PASTEIN
Babushka's denial NYET
Bugged by a bug ILL
Cancel out NEGATE
Carillon sounds PEALS
Charlie's fourth wife OONA
College declaration MAJOR
Cookout spot PATIO
Corporate emblem SEAL
Designated park trail BIKEPATH
DiFranco of folk rock ANI
Dig find RELIC
Drop-off point EDGE
Duplicitous SNEAKY
Everything-in-the-pot stew OLIO
Feminizing finish ENNE
Garnish ADORN
Gear on a tour bus AMP
Govt. org. with a "Safety Compass" blog NTSB
Greets wordlessly NODSAT
Have a feeling SENSE
Hive-dwelling APIAN
Icarus, to Daedalus SON
John Denver's "__ Song" ANNIES
Keystone force KOPS
Kid-sized ice cream order ONESCOOP
Clues Answers
Leg, to a film noir detective GAM
Like a twisted remark WRY
Map rtes STS
Mary Oliver output POEM
Menlo Park initials TAE
Military equipment ARMAMENT
Model of perfection IDEAL
Not in a slump? ERECT
Ottoman bigwig AGA
Peat source BOG
Pink-elephant spotter, stereotypically SOT
Price per can, e.g UNITCOST
Seismometer detection TREMOR
Self-produced recording, perhaps DEMO
Significance of this puzzle's circled letters (gotcha again!) THEREISNONE
Silly smile, maybe GRIN
Slangy golf term for nervousness while putting, with "the" YIPS
Snack with a white center OREO
Snooze NAP
Stops equivocating OPTS
Stores in a farm tower ENSILES
They blow off steam TEAPOTS
Those, in Oaxaca ESAS
Three-note chords TRIADS
To and __ FRO
Today's "Gotcha!" APRILFOOL
Under-the-tree pile GIFTS
Vast grassland STEPPE
Ventura County resort city OJAI
Wall Street phrase NOPAR
Willing GAME
Within: Pref ENTO
__ Bator ULAN
__ Lingus AER
__ mater ALMA

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