Universal Crossword Answers - Apr 12, 2014

 Universal Crossword Solutions - Apr 12, 2014

Clue Answer
"Dropped" drug LSD
"Hamlet" quintet ACTS
5.2 cubic feet STERE
Admit water LEAK
Aerodynamic SLEEK
Agcy. that enforces indecency regulations FCC
Ballerina's jete LEAP
Bartending tool OPENER
Be the perfect student LEARN
Beat cleverly OUTFOX
Break out of one's shell? HATCH
Certain emanation AURA
Cheshire cat's trademark GRIN
Collectible male dolls KENS
Completely ridiculous INANE
Copper coin CENT
Correspondence sans stamp EMAIL
Crystal-ball gazer SEER
Cucumber discard RIND
Desktop items ICONS
Drummer Krupa GENE
Espresso with milk LATTE
Fence opening GATE
Fix, in a way SPAY
Freshman course word INTRO
Funds for the poor ALMS
Get free (of) RID
Glitzy rock genre GLAM
Good remuneration SIXFIGURESALARY
Gp. headquartered in Brussels NATO
Greek cheese FETA
Having a single element UNARY
Hint of light GLEAM
Ill-gotten gains SWAG
It might let off some steam SPA
Layered rock SHALE
Leave at a pawnshop HOCK
Man from Katmandu NEPALI
Matterhorn's home ALPS
Mind-reading ability ESP
Miscalculation ERROR
More plentiful AMPLER
Mountain lakes TARNS
Nods at the auction BIDS
Nonkosher TREF
Ollie's partner in slapstick STAN
One spelling for Arabian princes AMIRS
Pearl Mosque locale AGRA
Per person EACH
Ph or ey, e.g DIGRAM
Pleasant to be with NICE
Potent, as a potable STIFF
Pull along HAUL
Race on snow SKI
Rule of thumb GUIDELINE
Sand hills DUNES
Saucer-shaped gong TAMTAM
Scotch or masking TAPE
See 23-Across DESEX
Shaving-cream ingredient ALOE
Sound after a puncture SSS
Stew or miscellany OLIO
The Arcade Fire's record label MERGE
They'll question you TESTS
Tops (out) MAXES
Visualize SEE
Voicemail sound BEEP
Washer's companion DRYER
What the Red Sea did PART
Word with drug or energy CZAR
Worsted suit fabric SERGE
Yucatan native MAYA
Zoo attractions APES
___ dog (backwoods animal) COON

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