Crossword Answers - Apr 07, 2014 Crossword Solutions - Apr 07, 2014

Clue Answer
''Darn it!'' DRAT
''My __ are sealed!'' LIPS
''Nanny'' beast GOAT
''Not so!'' reply ISTOO
''So what __ is new?'' ELSE
''Yes, Captain!'' AYE
Ads for upcoming shows PROMOS
Any carbonated soft drink SODA
Army uniform color KHAKI
Authorizes OKAYS
Bend, as muscles FLEX
Bird-feeder food SEED
Bit of fire FLAME
Black-and-white cookie OREO
Blow __ (get angry) AFUSE
Boyfriend BEAU
Bullets, for short AMMO
Buy quickly SNAPUP
Campsite shelters TENTS
Carryall bag TOTE
Change the color of DYE
Characteristic ASPECT
Chicago clock setting: Abbr CST
Chopped down AXED
City roads that may cross aves STS
Coffeehouse orders LATTES
Competent ABLE
Destiny FATE
Donation GIFT
Donkey ASS
Dull sound of impact THUD
Expensive jewelry on a string DIAMONDNECKLACE
Figure-skating surface ICE
Frizzy hairdo AFRO
Full collection SET
Fully attentive RAPT
Goes right or left TURNS
Gorillas and chimps APES
Great Salt Lake state UTAH
Greenish blues AQUAS
Group of battleships FLEET
Hand-held organizers: Abbr PDAS
Has outstanding bills OWES
Hay bundle BALE
Icy precipitation SLEET
Imperfection FLAW
Letters after Q RSTU
Lion sounds ROARS
Looked at EYED
Main ideas THEMES
Move to and __ FRO
Movie theater's tiered layout STADIUMSEATING
Not counterfeit REAL
Overcook on the barbecue BURN
Parcels out ALLOTS
Places down, as carpeting LAYS
Places to bowl LANES
Planet beyond Earth MARS
Pleasant scent AROMA
Potpie veggies PEAS
Prayer ending AMEN
Pushed, as a doorbell RANG
Resigning employee's words IQUIT
Salty body of water SEA
Scale in the zodiac LIBRA
Scoundrel ROGUE
Skin-cream ingredient ALOE
Sunday church service MASS
Top playing card ACE
Tree with acorns OAK
Very much ALOT
Walk-on role CAMEO
Wander aimlessly DRIFT
Went by bus or train RODE
Went fast RACED
Winter bug FLU
__-bitsy ITSY

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