Universal Crossword Answer - Jul 07, 2014

 Universal Crossword Solutions - Jul 07, 2014

Clue Answer
"... and the truth is not ___" INUS
Barrel strip STAVE
Besides which ALSO
Between islands ASEA
Brief notice in passing OBIT
Calm under pressure COOL
Capitol Hill figure (Abbr.) SEN
Certain mountain climber TBAR
Cigar with square-cut ends CHEROOT
Create a statute ENACT
Crescent's tip CUSP
Draws to a close ENDS
Emergency exit of sorts FIREESCAPE
Flanders on TV NED
Flush of a sort ROYAL
Forrest Gump's friend BUBBA
Frozen spear ICICLE
Gave the twice-over OGLED
Go with the flow ADAPT
Grassland or rain forest BIOME
Green regions of desert OASES
Groups of rioters MOBS
Have a premonition of SENSE
High-powered personality TYPEA
Holds fast ADHERES
Hops driers OASTS
Impressive poker hand FLUSH
Isle ___ (site off England) OFMAN
Kane's Rosebud, e.g SLED
Kimono belt OBI
Kind of barrier or boom SONIC
Knock off ROB
Lake ___ (Blue Nile source) TANA
Make fun of TEASE
Make indistinct BLUR
Marveled aloud OOHED
Mediocre grades CEES
Mental conception IDEA
Old autocrat TSAR
Old-time Broadway greeting TICKERTAPE
Originate STEM
Parker and Waterman PENS
Porgy SCUP
Rollicking good time BLAST
Rules of personal conduct PRECEPTS
Russell Crowe film NOAH
Simple figures STICKMEN
Sobbed WEPT
Speak to the people? ORATE
Starchy tropical root TARO
Start of North Carolina's motto ESSE
Stock up on AMASS
Superman's symbol ESS
Tailless simian BARBARYAPE
Theatrical hit, in slang BOFF
They plan long trips NASA
They're found on the range OVENS
Trouble persistently BESET
Two-handed log cutter PITSAW
Type of rug or code AREA
United ONE
Unlikely Mensa candidate DOPE
Used extreme subtlety FINESSED
Walks leisurely MOSEYS
Wigwam kin TEPEE
Winning finish? EST
Words carved in stone? EPITAPH
Wrinkly Jamaican fruit UGLI
X-ray dosages RADS
Yodeler's feedback ECHO
___ usual PER

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